Displaying 121 – 140 of 346

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A Periodic Lotka-Volterra System

Tsvetkov, D. (1996)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

In this paper periodic time-dependent Lotka-Volterra systems are considered. It is shown that such a system has positive periodic solutions. It is done without constructive conditions over the period and the parameters.

A periodic model for the dynamics of cell volume

Philip Korman (2016)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove the existence and uniqueness of a positive periodic solution for a model describing the dynamics of cell volume flux, introduced by Julio A. Hernández [Bull. Math. Biol. 69 (2007), 1631-1648]. We also show that the periodic solution is a global attractor. Our results confirm the conjectures made in an interesting recent book of P. J. Torres [Atlantis Press, 2015].

A population biological model with a singular nonlinearity

Sayyed Hashem Rasouli (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

We consider the existence of positive solutions of the singular nonlinear semipositone problem of the form - div ( | x | - α p | u | p - 2 u ) = | x | - ( α + 1 ) p + β a u p - 1 - f ( u ) - c u γ , x Ω , u = 0 , x Ω , where Ω is a bounded smooth domain of N with 0 Ω , 1 < p < N , 0 α < ( N - p ) / p , γ ( 0 , 1 ) , and a , β , c and λ are positive parameters. Here f : [ 0 , ) is a continuous function. This model arises in the studies of population biology of one species with u representing the concentration of the species. We discuss the existence of a positive solution when f satisfies certain additional conditions. We use the method of sub-supersolutions...

A predator-prey model with combined death and competition terms

Joon Hyuk Kang, Jungho Lee (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The existence of a positive solution for the generalized predator-prey model for two species Δ u + u ( a + g ( u , v ) ) = 0 in Ω , Δ v + v ( d + h ( u , v ) ) = 0 in Ω , u = v = 0 on Ω , are investigated. The techniques used in the paper are the elliptic theory, upper-lower solutions, maximum principles and spectrum estimates. The arguments also rely on some detailed properties of the solution of logistic equations.

A predator-prey model with state dependent impulsive effects

Changming Ding (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with state dependent impulsive effects, in which the control strategies by releasing natural enemies and spraying pesticide at different thresholds are considered. We present some sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence and asymptotical stability of semi-trivial periodic solutions and positive periodic solutions.

A predictive method allowing the use of a single ionic model in numerical cardiac electrophysiology

M. Rioux, Y. Bourgault (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

One of the current debate about simulating the electrical activity in the heart is the following: Using a realistic anatomical setting, i.e. realistic geometries, fibres orientations, etc., is it enough to use a simplified 2-variable phenomenological model to reproduce the main characteristics of the cardiac action potential propagation, and in what sense is it sufficient? Using a combination of dimensional and asymptotic analysis, together with the well-known Mitchell − Schaeffer model, it is shown...

A quasi-Newton algorithm based on a reduced model for fluid-structure interaction problems in blood flows

Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Marina Vidrascu (2003)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We propose a quasi-Newton algorithm for solving fluid-structure interaction problems. The basic idea of the method is to build an approximate tangent operator which is cost effective and which takes into account the so-called added mass effect. Various test cases show that the method allows a significant reduction of the computational effort compared to relaxed fixed point algorithms. We present 2D and 3D fluid-structure simulations performed either with a simple 1D structure model or with shells...

A Quasi-Newton Algorithm Based on a Reduced Model for Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems in Blood Flows

Jean-Frédéric Gerbeau, Marina Vidrascu (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We propose a quasi-Newton algorithm for solving fluid-structure interaction problems. The basic idea of the method is to build an approximate tangent operator which is cost effective and which takes into account the so-called added mass effect. Various test cases show that the method allows a significant reduction of the computational effort compared to relaxed fixed point algorithms. We present 2D and 3D fluid-structure simulations performed either with a simple 1D structure model or with...

A Reduced Model for Flame-Flow Interaction

P. Gordon, M. Frankel, G. Sivashinsky (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The paper is concerned with an extension of the classical relation between the flame speed and the curvature-flow stretch, valid only for high Lewis numbers (diffusively stable flames). At low Lewis numbers the corresponding flame-flow system suffers short-wavelength instability, making the associated initial value problem ill-posed. In this study the difficulty is resolved by incorporation of higher-order effects. As a result one ends up with a reduced model based on a coupled system of second-order...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 346