Displaying 461 – 480 of 3836

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Analysis of some dual properties in discrete dynamic systems

Aleksey Zhirabok (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The problem of duality in nonlinear and linear systems is considered. In addition to the known duality between controllability and observability, new dual notions and their properties are investigated. A way to refine these properties through an isomorphic transformation of the original systems is suggested.

Analysis of Space-Temporal Symmetry in the Early Embryogenesis of Calla palustris L., Araceae

I.V. Rudskiy, G.E. Titova, T.B. Batygina (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Plants and animals have highly ordered structure both in time and in space, and one of the main questions of modern developmental biology is the transformation of genetic information into the regular structure of organism. Any multicellular plant begins its development from the universal unicellular state and acquire own species-specific structure in the course of cell divisions, cell growth and death, according to own developmental program. However the cellular mechanisms of plant development are...

Analysis of structural properties of Petri nets based on product incidence matrix

Guangyou Ji, Mingzhe Wang (2013)


This paper presents some structural properties of a generalized Petri net (PN) with an algorithm to determine the (partial) conservativeness and (partial) consistency of the net. A product incidence matrix A = C C T or A ˜ = C T C is defined and used to further improve the relations among PNs, linear inequalities and matrix analysis. Thus, based on Cramer’s Rule, a new approach for the study of the solution of a linear system is given in terms of certain sub-determinants of the coefficient matrix and an efficient...

Analysis of the descriptor Roesser model with the use of the Drazin inverse

Tadeusz Kaczorek (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

A method of analysis for a class of descriptor 2D discrete-time linear systems described by the Roesser model with a regular pencil is proposed. The method is based on the transformation of the model to a special form with the use of elementary row and column operations and on the application of a Drazin inverse of matrices to handle the model. The method is illustrated with a numerical example.

Analytic controllability of the wave equation over a cylinder

Brice Allibert (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We analyze the controllability of the wave equation on a cylinder when the control acts on the boundary, that does not satisfy the classical geometric control condition. We obtain precise estimates on the analyticity of reachable functions. As the control time increases, the degree of analyticity that is required for a function to be reachable decreases as an inverse power of time. We conclude that any analytic function can be reached if that control time is large enough. In the C∞ class, a...

Analytic interpolation and the degree constraint

Tryphon Georgiou (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Analytic interpolation problems arise quite naturally in a variety of engineering applications. This is due to the fact that analyticity of a (transfer) function relates to the stability of a corresponding dynamical system, while positive realness and contractiveness relate to passivity. On the other hand, the degree of an interpolant relates to the dimension of the pertinent system, and this motivates our interest in constraining the degree of interpolants. The purpose of the present paper is to...

Another set of verifiable conditions for average Markov decision processes with Borel spaces

Xiaolong Zou, Xianping Guo (2015)


In this paper we give a new set of verifiable conditions for the existence of average optimal stationary policies in discrete-time Markov decision processes with Borel spaces and unbounded reward/cost functions. More precisely, we provide another set of conditions, which only consists of a Lyapunov-type condition and the common continuity-compactness conditions. These conditions are imposed on the primitive data of the model of Markov decision processes and thus easy to verify. We also give two...

Application of a Java-based framework to parallel simulation of large-scale systems

Ewa Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, Maciej Żmuda, Maciej Żmuda (2003)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Large-scale systems, such as computer and telecommunication networks, complex control systems and many others, operate in inherently parallel environments. It follows that there are many opportunities to admit parallelism into both the algorithm of control implementation and simulation of the system operation considered. The paper addresses issues associated with the application of parallel discrete event simulation (PDES). We discuss the PDES terminology and methodology. Particular attention is...

Application of a second order VSC to nonlinear systems in multi-input parametric-pure-feedback form

Antonella Ferrara, Luisa Giacomini (2000)


The use of a multi-input control design procedure for uncertain nonlinear systems expressible in multi-input parametric-pure feedback form to determine the control law for a class of mechanical systems is described in this paper. The proposed procedure, based on the well-known backstepping design technique, relies on the possibility of extending to multi-input uncertain systems a second order sliding mode control approach recently developed, thus reducing the computational load, as well as increasing...

Application of bearing and distance trees to the identification of landmarks on the coast

Tomasz Praczyk (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The problem of continuous position availability is one of the most important issues connected with the human activity at sea. Because the availability of satellite navigational systems can be limited in some cases, e.g. during military operations, one has to consider additional methods of acquiring information about the ship's position. In this paper one of these methods is presented, which is based on exploiting landmarks located on a coastline. A navigational radar is used to obtain information...

Currently displaying 461 – 480 of 3836