Relevements modulo p2 et decomposition du complexe de de Rham.

P. Deligne; L. Illusie

Inventiones mathematicae (1987)

  • Volume: 89, page 247-270
  • ISSN: 0020-9910; 1432-1297/e

How to cite


Deligne, P., and Illusie, L.. "Relevements modulo p2 et decomposition du complexe de de Rham.." Inventiones mathematicae 89 (1987): 247-270. <>.

author = {Deligne, P., Illusie, L.},
journal = {Inventiones mathematicae},
keywords = {Hodge decomposition; Moishezon manifold; lifting of the Frobenius map; Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano vanishing theorem},
language = {fre},
pages = {247-270},
title = {Relevements modulo p2 et decomposition du complexe de de Rham.},
url = {},
volume = {89},
year = {1987},

AU - Deligne, P.
AU - Illusie, L.
TI - Relevements modulo p2 et decomposition du complexe de de Rham.
JO - Inventiones mathematicae
PY - 1987
VL - 89
SP - 247
EP - 270
LA - fre
KW - Hodge decomposition; Moishezon manifold; lifting of the Frobenius map; Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano vanishing theorem
UR -
ER -

Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Brendan Hassett, Yuri Tschinkel, Quartic del Pezzo surfaces over function fields of curves
  2. V. B. Mehta, V. Srinivas, Varieties in positive characteristic with trivial tangent bundle
  3. Matthew Satriano, de Rham Theory for Tame Stacks and Schemes with Linearly Reductive Singularities
  4. Joseph Oesterlé, Dégénérescence de la suite spectrale de Hodge vers De Rham
  5. William E. Lang, Examples of liftings of surfaces and a problem in de Rham cohomology
  6. Adrian Langer, On the S-fundamental group scheme
  7. A. Ogus, V. Vologodsky, Nonabelian Hodge theory in characteristic p
  8. Bryden Cais, Canonical integral structures on the de Rham cohomology of curves
  9. Luc Illusie, Cohomologie de De Rham et cohomologie étale p -adique
  10. Yukiyoshi Nakkajima, Signs in weight spectral sequences, monodromy-weight conjectures, log Hodge symmetry and degenerations of surfaces

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