Le ε-Produit des Loo-Espaces par les Quotients Bornologiques
Para un b-espacio nuclear N y un b-espacio E demostramos que si X es un espacio compacto entonces los b-espacios C (X,NεE) y NεC (X,E) son isomorfos. El mismo resultado se verifica también si X es un espacio localmente compacto que es numerable en el infinito.
We give conditions under which the functor projective limit is exact on the category of quotients of Fréchet spaces of L. Waelbroeck [18].
An application of Mittag-Leffler lemma in the category of quotients of Fréchet spaces. We use Mittag-Leffler Lemma to prove that for a nonempty interval , the restriction mapping is surjective and we give a corollary.
We prove that if X is a compact topological space which contains a nontrivial metrizable connected closed subset, then the vector lattice C(X) does not carry any sygma-Lebesgue topology.
We construct the category of quotients of -spaces and we show that it is Abelian. This answers a question of L. Waelbroeck from 1990.
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which the linear span of positive AM-compact operators (in the sense of Fremlin) from a Banach lattice into a Banach lattice is an order -complete vector lattice.
We establish some properties of the class of order weakly compact operators on Banach lattices. As consequences, we obtain some characterizations of Banach lattices with order continuous norms or whose topological duals have order continuous norms.
We establish necessary and sufficient conditions under which each operator between Banach lattices is weakly compact and we give some consequences.
We introduce the notion of order weakly sequentially continuous lattice operations of a Banach lattice, use it to generalize a result regarding the characterization of order weakly compact operators, and establish its converse. Also, we derive some interesting consequences.
We characterize Banach lattices on which each regular order weakly compact (resp. b-weakly compact, almost Dunford-Pettis, Dunford-Pettis) operator is AM-compact.
We characterize Banach lattices on which every positive almost Dunford-Pettis operator is weakly compact.
We establish some sufficient conditions under which the subspaces of Dunford-Pettis operators, of M-weakly compact operators, of L-weakly compact operators, of weakly compact operators, of semi-compact operators and of compact operators coincide and we give some consequences.
We define the ε-product of an εb-space by quotient bornological spaces and we show that if G is a Schwartz εb-space and E|F is a quotient bornological space, then their ε-product Gε(E|F) defined in [2] is isomorphic to the quotient bornological space (GεE)|(GεF).
We characterize Banach lattices on which every weak Banach-Saks operator is b-weakly compact.
On se propose d’établir le Théor`eme de Bartle-Graves dans la catégorie des quotients bornologiques. Aussi, cela nous permet de définir certains espaces de fonctions `a valeurs dans des quotients bornologiques.
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