Complexité de suites définies par des billards rationnels
For an extensive range of infinite words, and the associated symbolic dynamical systems, we compute, together with the usual language complexity function counting the finite words, the minimal and maximal complexity functions we get by replacing finite words by finite patterns, or words with holes.
For an extensive range of infinite words, and the associated symbolic dynamical systems, we compute, together with the usual language complexity function counting the finite words, the minimal and maximal complexity functions we get by replacing finite words by finite patterns, or words with holes.
We consider the billiard map in the hypercube of . We obtain a language by coding the billiard map by the faces of the hypercube. We investigate the complexity function of this language. We prove that is the order of magnitude of the complexity.
For an extensive range of infinite words, and the associated symbolic dynamical systems, we compute, together with the usual language complexity function counting the finite words, the minimal and maximal complexity functions we get by replacing finite words by finite patterns, or words with holes.
Nous étudions certaines propriétés combinatoires, ergodiques et arithmétiques du point fixe de la substitution de Tribonacci (introduite par G. Rauzy) et de la rotation du tore qui lui est associée. Nous établissons une généralisation géométrique du théorème des trois distances et donnons une formule explicite pour la fonction de récurrence du point fixe. Nous donnons des propriétés d’approximation diophantienne du vecteur de la rotation de : nous montrons, que pour une norme adaptée, la suite...
We show that Y. Cheung’s general -continued fractions can be adapted to give approximation by saddle connection vectors for any compact translation surface. That is, we show the finiteness of his Minkowski constant for any compact translation surface. Furthermore, we show that for a Veech surface in standard form, each component of any saddle connection vector dominates its conjugates in an appropriate sense. The saddle connection continued fractions then allow one to recognize certain transcendental...
We definite invariants of translation surfaces which refine Veech groups. These aid in exact determination of Veech groups. We give examples where two surfaces of isomorphic Veech group cannot even share a common tree of balanced affine coverings. We also show that there exist translation surfaces of isomorphic Veech groups which cannot affinely cover any common surface. We also extend a result of Gutkin and Judge and thereby give the first examples of noncompact Fuchsian...
We establish a relationship between the word complexity and the number of generalized diagonals for a polygonal billiard. We conclude that in the rational case the complexity function has cubic upper and lower bounds. In the tiling case the complexity has cubic asymptotic growth.
We give the first transcendence results for the Rosen continued fractions. Introduced over half a century ago, these fractions expand real numbers in terms of certain algebraic numbers.
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