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Generalized inflations and null extensions

Qiang WangShelly L. Wismath — 2004

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

An inflation of an algebra is formed by adding a set of new elements to each element in the original or base algebra, with the stipulation that in forming products each new element behaves exactly like the element in the base algebra to which it is attached. Clarke and Monzo have defined the generalized inflation of a semigroup, in which a set of new elements is again added to each base element, but where the new elements are allowed to act like different elements of the base, depending on the context...

Spherical semiclassical states of a critical frequency for Schrödinger equations with decaying potentials

Jaeyoung ByeonZhi-Qiang Wang — 2006

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For singularly perturbed Schrödinger equations with decaying potentials at infinity we construct semiclassical states of a critical frequency concentrating on spheres near zeroes of the potentials. The results generalize some recent work of Ambrosetti–Malchiodi–Ni [3] which gives solutions concentrating on spheres where the potential is positive. The solutions we obtain exhibit different behaviors from the ones given in [3].

Positive fixed point theorems arising from seeking steady states of neural networks

Gen Qiang WangSui-Sun Cheng — 2010

Mathematica Bohemica

Biological systems are able to switch their neural systems into inhibitory states and it is therefore important to build mathematical models that can explain such phenomena. If we interpret such inhibitory modes as `positive' or `negative' steady states of neural networks, then we will need to find the corresponding fixed points. This paper shows positive fixed point theorems for a particular class of cellular neural networks whose neuron units are placed at the vertices of a regular polygon. The...

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