Displaying similar documents to “Universal spaces for manifolds equipped with an integral closed k -form”

Topologies and bornologies determined by operator ideals, II

Ngai-Ching Wong (1994)

Studia Mathematica


Let be an operator ideal on LCS’s. A continuous seminorm p of a LCS X is said to be - continuous if Q ̃ p i n j ( X , X ̃ p ) , where X ̃ p is the completion of the normed space X p = X / p - 1 ( 0 ) and Q ̃ p is the canonical map. p is said to be a Groth()- seminorm if there is a continuous seminorm q of X such that p ≤ q and the canonical map Q ̃ p q : X ̃ q X ̃ p belongs to ( X ̃ q , X ̃ p ) . It is well known that when is the ideal of absolutely summing (resp. precompact, weakly compact) operators, a LCS X is a nuclear (resp. Schwartz, infra-Schwartz) space if and only...

Product d -actions on a Lebesgue space and their applications

I. Filipowicz (1997)

Studia Mathematica


We define a class of d -actions, d ≥ 2, called product d -actions. For every such action we find a connection between its spectrum and the spectra of automorphisms generating this action. We prove that for any subset A of the positive integers such that 1 ∈ A there exists a weakly mixing d -action, d≥2, having A as the set of essential values of its multiplicity function. We also apply this class to construct an ergodic d -action with Lebesgue component of multiplicity 2 d k , where k is an arbitrary...

Balancing vectors and convex bodies

Wojciech Banaszczyk (1993)

Studia Mathematica


Let U, V be two symmetric convex bodies in n and |U|, |V| their n-dimensional volumes. It is proved that there exist vectors u 1 , . . . , u n U such that, for each choice of signs ε 1 , . . . , ε n = ± 1 , one has ε 1 u 1 + . . . + ε n u n r V where r = ( 2 π e 2 ) - 1 / 2 n 1 / 2 ( | U | / | V | ) 1 / n . Hence it is deduced that if a metrizable locally convex space is not nuclear, then it contains a null sequence ( u n ) such that the series n = 1 ε n u π ( n ) is divergent for any choice of signs ε n = ± 1 and any permutation π of indices.

On the type constants with respect to systems of characters of a compact abelian group

Aicke Hinrichs (1996)

Studia Mathematica


We prove that there exists an absolute constant c such that for any positive integer n and any system Φ of 2 n characters of a compact abelian group, 2 - n / 2 t Φ ( T ) c n - 1 / 2 t n ( T ) , where T is an arbitrary operator between Banach spaces, t Φ ( T ) is the type norm of T with respect to Φ and t n ( T ) is the usual Rademacher type-2 norm computed with n vectors. For the system of the first 2 n Walsh functions this is even true with c=1. This result combined with known properties of such type norms provides easy access to quantitative...

Hull-minimal ideals in the Schwartz algebra of the Heisenberg group

J. Ludwig (1998)

Studia Mathematica


For every closed subset C in the dual space Ĥ n of the Heisenberg group H n we describe via the Fourier transform the elements of the hull-minimal ideal j(C) of the Schwartz algebra S ( H n ) and we show that in general for two closed subsets C 1 , C 2 of Ĥ n the product of j ( C 1 ) and j ( C 2 ) is different from j ( C 1 C 2 ) .

Uniform convergence of double trigonometric series

Chang-Pao Chen, Gwo-Bin Chen (1996)

Studia Mathematica


It is shown that under certain conditions on c j k , the rectangular partial sums s m n ( x , y ) converge uniformly on T 2 . These conditions include conditions of bounded variation of order (1,0), (0,1), and (1,1) with the weights |j|, |k|, |jk|, respectively. The convergence rate is also established. Corresponding to the mentioned conditions, an analogous condition for single trigonometric series is | k | = n | Δ c k | = o ( 1 / n ) (as n → ∞). For O-regularly varying quasimonotone sequences, we prove that it is equivalent to the condition:...

Molecular decompositions and embedding theorems for vector-valued Sobolev spaces with gradient norm

A. Pełczyński, M. Wojciechowski (1993)

Studia Mathematica


Let E be a Banach space. Let L ¹ ( 1 ) ( d , E ) be the Sobolev space of E-valued functions on d with the norm ʃ d f E d x + ʃ d f E d x = f + f . It is proved that if f L ¹ ( 1 ) ( d , E ) then there exists a sequence ( g m ) L ( 1 ) ¹ ( d , E ) such that f = m g m ; m ( g m + g m ) < ; and g m 1 / d g m ( d - 1 ) / d b g m for m = 1, 2,..., where b is an absolute constant independent of f and E. The result is applied to prove various refinements of the Sobolev type embedding L ( 1 ) ¹ ( d , E ) L ² ( d , E ) . In particular, the embedding into Besov spaces L ¹ ( 1 ) ( d , E ) B p , 1 θ ( p , d ) ( d , E ) is proved, where θ ( p , d ) = d ( p - 1 + d - 1 - 1 ) for 1 < p ≤ d/(d-1), d=1,2,... The latter embedding in the scalar case is due to Bourgain...

Oscillatory kernels in certain Hardy-type spaces

Lung-Kee Chen, Dashan Fan (1994)

Studia Mathematica


We consider a convolution operator Tf = p.v. Ω ⁎ f with Ω ( x ) = K ( x ) e i h ( x ) , where K(x) is an (n,β) kernel near the origin and an (α,β), α ≥ n, kernel away from the origin; h(x) is a real-valued C function on n 0 . We give a criterion for such an operator to be bounded from the space H 0 p ( n ) into itself.

Comparing gaussian and Rademacher cotype for operators on the space of continuous functions

Marius Junge (1996)

Studia Mathematica


We prove an abstract comparison principle which translates gaussian cotype into Rademacher cotype conditions and vice versa. More precisely, let 2 < q < ∞ and T: C(K) → F a continuous linear operator. (1) T is of gaussian cotype q if and only if ( k ( ( T x k F ) / ( l o g ( k + 1 ) ) ) q ) 1 / q c k ɛ k x k L 2 ( C ( K ) ) , for all sequences ( x k ) k C ( K ) with ( T x k ) k = 1 n decreasing. (2) T is of Rademacher cotype q if and only if ( k ( T x k F ( ( l o g ( k + 1 ) ) q ) ) 1 / q c k g k x k L 2 ( C ( K ) ) , for all sequences ( x k ) k C ( K ) with ( T x k ) k = 1 n decreasing. Our method allows a restriction to a fixed number of vectors and complements the corresponding results of...

Every separable Banach space has a bounded strong norming biorthogonal sequence which is also a Steinitz basis

Paolo Terenzi (1994)

Studia Mathematica


Every separable, infinite-dimensional Banach space X has a biorthogonal sequence z n , z * n , with s p a n z * n norming on X and z n + z * n bounded, so that, for every x in X and x* in X*, there exists a permutation π(n) of n so that x c o n v ¯ f i n i t e s u b s e r i e s o f n = 1 z * n ( x ) z n a n d x * n ( x ) = n = 1 z * π ( n ) ( x ) x * ( z π ( n ) ) .

Mixed-norm spaces and interpolation

Joaquín Ortega, Joan Fàbrega (1994)

Studia Mathematica


Let D be a bounded strictly pseudoconvex domain of n with smooth boundary. We consider the weighted mixed-norm spaces A δ , k p , q ( D ) of holomorphic functions with norm f p , q , δ , k = ( | α | k ʃ 0 r 0 ( ʃ D r | D α f | p d σ r ) q / p r δ q / p - 1 d r ) 1 / q . We prove that these spaces can be obtained by real interpolation between Bergman-Sobolev spaces A δ , k p ( D ) and we give results about real and complex interpolation between them. We apply these results to prove that A δ , k p , q ( D ) is the intersection of a Besov space B s p , q ( D ) with the space of holomorphic functions on D. Further, we obtain several properties...

A compact set without Markov’s property but with an extension operator for C -functions

Alexander Goncharov (1996)

Studia Mathematica


We give an example of a compact set K ⊂ [0, 1] such that the space ℇ(K) of Whitney functions is isomorphic to the space s of rapidly decreasing sequences, and hence there exists a linear continuous extension operator L : ( K ) C [ 0 , 1 ] . At the same time, Markov’s inequality is not satisfied for certain polynomials on K.