Displaying similar documents to “Exponent of growth of polynomial mappings of C 2 into C 2

A set on which the Łojasiewicz exponent at infinity is attained

Jacek Chądzyński, Tadeusz Krasiński (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We show that for a polynomial mapping F = ( f , . . . , f ) : n m the Łojasiewicz exponent ( F ) of F is attained on the set z n : f ( z ) · . . . · f ( z ) = 0 .

Explicit bounds for the Łojasiewicz exponent in the gradient inequality for polynomials

Didier D'Acunto, Krzysztof Kurdyka (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let f: ℝⁿ → ℝ be a polynomial function of degree d with f(0) = 0 and ∇f(0) = 0. Łojasiewicz’s gradient inequality states that there exist C > 0 and ϱ ∈ (0,1) such that | f | C | f | ϱ in a neighbourhood of the origin. We prove that the smallest such exponent ϱ is not greater than 1 - R ( n , d ) - 1 with R ( n , d ) = d ( 3 d - 3 ) n - 1 .

On the distribution of the roots of polynomial z k - z k - 1 - - z - 1

Carlos A. Gómez, Florian Luca (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We consider the polynomial f k ( z ) = z k - z k - 1 - - z - 1 for k 2 which arises as the characteristic polynomial of the k -generalized Fibonacci sequence. In this short paper, we give estimates for the absolute values of the roots of f k ( z ) which lie inside the unit disk.

Heights of squares of Littlewood polynomials and infinite series

Artūras Dubickas (2012)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let P be a unimodular polynomial of degree d-1. Then the height H(P²) of its square is at least √(d/2) and the product L(P²)H(P²), where L denotes the length of a polynomial, is at least d². We show that for any ε > 0 and any d ≥ d(ε) there exists a polynomial P with ±1 coefficients of degree d-1 such that H(P²) < (2+ε)√(dlogd) and L(P²)H(P²)< (16/3+ε)d²log d. A similar result is obtained for the series with ±1 coefficients. Let A m be the mth coefficient of the square f(x)² of...

Entire functions of exponential type not vanishing in the half-plane z > k , where k > 0

Mohamed Amine Hachani (2017)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


Let P ( z ) be a polynomial of degree n having no zeros in | z | < k , k 1 , and let Q ( z ) : = z n P ( 1 / z ¯ ) ¯ . It was shown by Govil that if max | z | = 1 | P ' ( z ) | and max | z | = 1 | Q ' ( z ) | are attained at the same point of the unit circle | z | = 1 , then max | z | = 1 | P ' ( z ) | n 1 + k n max | z | = 1 | P ( z ) | . The main result of the present article is a generalization of Govil’s polynomial inequality to a class of entire functions of exponential type.

Polynomials with values which are powers of integers

Rachid Boumahdi, Jesse Larone (2018)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let P be a polynomial with integral coefficients. Shapiro showed that if the values of P at infinitely many blocks of consecutive integers are of the form Q ( m ) , where Q is a polynomial with integral coefficients, then P ( x ) = Q ( R ( x ) ) for some polynomial R . In this paper, we show that if the values of P at finitely many blocks of consecutive integers, each greater than a provided bound, are of the form m q where q is an integer greater than 1, then P ( x ) = ( R ( x ) ) q for some polynomial R ( x ) .

Łojasiewicz Exponent of Overdetermined Mappings

Stanisław Spodzieja, Anna Szlachcińska (2013)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


A mapping F : m is called overdetermined if m > n. We prove that the calculations of both the local and global Łojasiewicz exponent of a real overdetermined polynomial mapping F : m can be reduced to the case m = n.

Root location for the characteristic polynomial of a Fibonacci type sequence

Zhibin Du, Carlos Martins da Fonseca (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We analyse the roots of the polynomial x n - p x n - 1 - q x - 1 for p q 1 . This is the characteristic polynomial of the recurrence relation F k , p , q ( n ) = p F k , p , q ( n - 1 ) + q F k , p , q ( n - k + 1 ) + F k , p , q ( n - k ) for n k , which includes the relations of several particular sequences recently defined. In the end, a matricial representation for such a recurrence relation is provided.

Volume of spheres in doubling metric measured spaces and in groups of polynomial growth

Romain Tessera (2007)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let G be a compactly generated locally compact group and let U be a compact generating set. We prove that if G has polynomial growth, then ( U n ) n is a Følner sequence and we give a polynomial estimate of the rate of decay of μ ( U n + 1 U n ) μ ( U n ) . Our proof uses only two ingredients: the doubling property and a weak geodesic property that we call Property (M). As a matter of fact, the result remains true in a wide class of doubling metric measured spaces including manifolds and graphs. As an application, we obtain...

On nonsingular polynomial maps of ℝ²

Nguyen Van Chau, Carlos Gutierrez (2006)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We consider nonsingular polynomial maps F = (P,Q): ℝ² → ℝ² under the following regularity condition at infinity ( J ) : There does not exist a sequence ( p k , q k ) ² of complex singular points of F such that the imaginary parts ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) tend to (0,0), the real parts ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) tend to ∞ and F ( ( p k ) , ( q k ) ) ) a ² . It is shown that F is a global diffeomorphism of ℝ² if it satisfies Condition ( J ) and if, in addition, the restriction of F to every real level set P - 1 ( c ) is proper for values of |c| large enough.

On a generalization of the Beiter Conjecture

Bartłomiej Bzdęga (2016)

Acta Arithmetica


We prove that for every ε > 0 and every nonnegative integer w there exist primes p 1 , . . . , p w such that for n = p 1 . . . p w the height of the cyclotomic polynomial Φ n is at least ( 1 - ε ) c w M n , where M n = i = 1 w - 2 p i 2 w - 1 - i - 1 and c w is a constant depending only on w; furthermore l i m w c w 2 - w 0 . 71 . In our construction we can have p i > h ( p 1 . . . p i - 1 ) for all i = 1,...,w and any function h: ℝ₊ → ℝ₊.

Degrees of compatible L -subsets and compatible mappings

Fu Gui Shi, Yan Sun (2024)



Based on a completely distributive lattice L , degrees of compatible L -subsets and compatible mappings are introduced in an L -approximation space and their characterizations are given by four kinds of cut sets of L -subsets and L -equivalences, respectively. Besides, some characterizations of compatible mappings and compatible degrees of mappings are given by compatible L -subsets and compatible degrees of L -subsets. Finally, the notion of complete L -sublattices is introduced and it is shown...

Determination of a type of permutation trinomials over finite fields

Xiang-dong Hou (2014)

Acta Arithmetica


Let f = a x + b x q + x 2 q - 1 q [ x ] . We find explicit conditions on a and b that are necessary and sufficient for f to be a permutation polynomial of q ² . This result allows us to solve a related problem: Let g n , q p [ x ] (n ≥ 0, p = c h a r q ) be the polynomial defined by the functional equation c q ( x + c ) n = g n , q ( x q - x ) . We determine all n of the form n = q α - q β - 1 , α > β ≥ 0, for which g n , q is a permutation polynomial of q ² .

On C * -spaces

P. Srivastava, K. K. Azad (1981)

Matematički Vesnik
