Displaying similar documents to “Initial measures for the stochastic heat equation”

On reliability analysis of consecutive k -out-of- n systems with arbitrarily dependent components

Ebrahim Salehi (2016)

Applications of Mathematics


In this paper, we consider the linear and circular consecutive k -out-of- n systems consisting of arbitrarily dependent components. Under the condition that at least n - r + 1 components ( r n ) of the system are working at time t , we study the reliability properties of the residual lifetime of such systems. Also, we present some stochastic ordering properties of residual lifetime of consecutive k -out-of- n systems. In the following, we investigate the inactivity time of the component with lifetime...

A continuous mapping theorem for the argmin-set functional with applications to convex stochastic processes

Dietmar Ferger (2021)



For lower-semicontinuous and convex stochastic processes Z n and nonnegative random variables ϵ n we investigate the pertaining random sets A ( Z n , ϵ n ) of all ϵ n -approximating minimizers of Z n . It is shown that, if the finite dimensional distributions of the Z n converge to some Z and if the ϵ n converge in probability to some constant c , then the A ( Z n , ϵ n ) converge in distribution to A ( Z , c ) in the hyperspace of Vietoris. As a simple corollary we obtain an extension of several argmin-theorems in the literature. In particular,...

On linear preservers of two-sided gut-majorization on 𝐌 n , m

Asma Ilkhanizadeh Manesh, Ahmad Mohammadhasani (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For X , Y 𝐌 n , m it is said that X is gut-majorized by Y , and we write X gut Y , if there exists an n -by- n upper triangular g-row stochastic matrix R such that X = R Y . Define the relation gut as follows. X gut Y if X is gut-majorized by Y and Y is gut-majorized by X . The (strong) linear preservers of gut on n and strong linear preservers of this relation on 𝐌 n , m have been characterized before. This paper characterizes all (strong) linear preservers and strong linear preservers of gut on n and 𝐌 n , m .

Nonconventional limit theorems in averaging

Yuri Kifer (2014)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We consider “nonconventional” averaging setup in the form d X ε ( t ) d t = ε B ( X ε ( t ) , 𝛯 ( q 1 ( t ) ) , 𝛯 ( q 2 ( t ) ) , ... , 𝛯 ( q ( t ) ) ) where 𝛯 ( t ) , t 0 is either a stochastic process or a dynamical system with sufficiently fast mixing while q j ( t ) = α j t , α 1 l t ; α 2 l t ; l t ; α k and q j , j = k + 1 , ... , grow faster than linearly. We show that the properly normalized error term in the “nonconventional” averaging principle is asymptotically Gaussian.

Property C for ODE and Applications to an Inverse Problem for a Heat Equation

A. G. Ramm (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Let j : = - d ² / d x ² + k ² q j ( x ) , k = const > 0, j = 1,2, 0 < e s s i n f q j ( x ) e s s s u p q j ( x ) < . Suppose that (*) 0 1 p ( x ) u ( x , k ) u ( x , k ) d x = 0 for all k > 0, where p is an arbitrary fixed bounded piecewise-analytic function on [0,1], which changes sign finitely many times, and u j solves the problem j u j = 0 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, u j ' ( 0 , k ) = 0 , u j ( 0 , k ) = 1 . It is proved that (*) implies p = 0. This result is applied to an inverse problem for a heat equation.

On pathwise uniqueness for stochastic differential equations driven by stable Lévy processes

Nicolas Fournier (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We study a one-dimensional stochastic differential equation driven by a stable Lévy process of order α with drift and diffusion coefficients b , σ . When α ( 1 , 2 ) , we investigate pathwise uniqueness for this equation. When α ( 0 , 1 ) , we study another stochastic differential equation, which is equivalent in law, but for which pathwise uniqueness holds under much weaker conditions. We obtain various results, depending on whether α ( 0 , 1 ) or α ( 1 , 2 ) and on whether the driving stable process is symmetric or not. Our...

Hydrodynamical behavior of symmetric exclusion with slow bonds

Tertuliano Franco, Patrícia Gonçalves, Adriana Neumann (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We consider the exclusion process in the one-dimensional discrete torus with N points, where all the bonds have conductance one, except a finite number of slow bonds, with conductance N - β , with β [ 0 , ) . We prove that the time evolution of the empirical density of particles, in the diffusive scaling, has a distinct behavior according to the range of the parameter β . If β [ 0 , 1 ) , the hydrodynamic limit is given by the usual heat equation. If β = 1 , it is given by a parabolic equation involving an operator...

G-tridiagonal majorization on 𝐌 n , m

Ahmad Mohammadhasani, Yamin Sayyari, Mahdi Sabzvari (2021)

Communications in Mathematics


For X , Y 𝐌 n , m , it is said that X is majorized by Y (and it is denoted by X g t Y ) if there exists a tridiagonal g-doubly stochastic matrix A such that X = A Y . In this paper, the linear preservers and strong linear preservers of g t are characterized on 𝐌 n , m .

Row Hadamard majorization on 𝐌 m , n

Abbas Askarizadeh, Ali Armandnejad (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


An m × n matrix R with nonnegative entries is called row stochastic if the sum of entries on every row of R is 1. Let 𝐌 m , n be the set of all m × n real matrices. For A , B 𝐌 m , n , we say that A is row Hadamard majorized by B (denoted by A R H B ) if there exists an m × n row stochastic matrix R such that A = R B , where X Y is the Hadamard product (entrywise product) of matrices X , Y 𝐌 m , n . In this paper, we consider the concept of row Hadamard majorization as a relation on 𝐌 m , n and characterize the structure of all linear operators T : 𝐌 m , n 𝐌 m , n preserving...

On row-sum majorization

Farzaneh Akbarzadeh, Ali Armandnejad (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝕄 n , m be the set of all n × m real or complex matrices. For A , B 𝕄 n , m , we say that A is row-sum majorized by B (written as A rs B ) if R ( A ) R ( B ) , where R ( A ) is the row sum vector of A and is the classical majorization on n . In the present paper, the structure of all linear operators T : 𝕄 n , m 𝕄 n , m preserving or strongly preserving row-sum majorization is characterized. Also we consider the concepts of even and circulant majorization on n and then find the linear preservers of row-sum majorization of these relations on 𝕄 n , m . ...

On the combinatorial structure of 0 / 1 -matrices representing nonobtuse simplices

Jan Brandts, Abdullah Cihangir (2019)

Applications of Mathematics


A 0 / 1 -simplex is the convex hull of n + 1 affinely independent vertices of the unit n -cube I n . It is nonobtuse if none of its dihedral angles is obtuse, and acute if additionally none of them is right. Acute 0 / 1 -simplices in I n can be represented by 0 / 1 -matrices P of size n × n whose Gramians G = P P have an inverse that is strictly diagonally dominant, with negative off-diagonal entries. In this paper, we will prove that the positive part D of the transposed inverse P - of P is doubly stochastic and has the...

Total blow-up of a quasilinear heat equation with slow-diffusion for non-decaying initial data

Amy Poh Ai Ling, Masahiko Shimojō (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica


We consider solutions of quasilinear equations u t = Δ u m + u p in N with the initial data u 0 satisfying 0 < u 0 < M and lim | x | u 0 ( x ) = M for some constant M > 0 . It is known that if 0 < m < p with p > 1 , the blow-up set is empty. We find solutions u that blow up throughout N when m > p > 1 .

Weakly nonlinear stochastic CGL equations

Sergei B. Kuksin (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques


We consider the linear Schrödinger equation under periodic boundary conditions, driven by a random force and damped by a quasilinear damping: d d t u + i - Δ + V ( x ) u = ν Δ u - γ R | u | 2 p u - i γ I | u | 2 q u + ν η ( t , x ) . ( * ) The force η is white in time and smooth in x ; the potential V ( x ) is typical. We are concerned with the limiting, as ν 0 , behaviour of solutions on long time-intervals 0 t ν - 1 T , and with behaviour of these solutions under the double limit t and ν 0 . We show that these two limiting behaviours may be described in terms of solutions for the( * ) which is a well...

Tykhonov well-posedness of a heat transfer problem with unilateral constraints

Mircea Sofonea, Domingo A. Tarzia (2022)

Applications of Mathematics


We consider an elliptic boundary value problem with unilateral constraints and subdifferential boundary conditions. The problem describes the heat transfer in a domain D d and its weak formulation is in the form of a hemivariational inequality for the temperature field, denoted by 𝒫 . We associate to Problem 𝒫 an optimal control problem, denoted by 𝒬 . Then, using appropriate Tykhonov triples, governed by a nonlinear operator G and a convex K ˜ , we provide results concerning the well-posedness...

Differences of two semiconvex functions on the real line

Václav Kryštof, Luděk Zajíček (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


It is proved that real functions on which can be represented as the difference of two semiconvex functions with a general modulus (or of two lower C 1 -functions, or of two strongly paraconvex functions) coincide with semismooth functions on (i.e. those locally Lipschitz functions on for which f + ' ( x ) = lim t x + f + ' ( t ) and f - ' ( x ) = lim t x - f - ' ( t ) for each x ). Further, for each modulus ω , we characterize the class D S C ω of functions on which can be written as f = g - h , where g and h are semiconvex with modulus C ω (for some C > 0 ) using a new...

A new characterization of symmetric group by NSE

Azam Babai, Zeinab Akhlaghi (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let G be a group and ω ( G ) be the set of element orders of G . Let k ω ( G ) and m k ( G ) be the number of elements of order k in G . Let nse ( G ) = { m k ( G ) : k ω ( G ) } . Assume r is a prime number and let G be a group such that nse ( G ) = nse ( S r ) , where S r is the symmetric group of degree r . In this paper we prove that G S r , if r divides the order of G and r 2 does not divide it. To get the conclusion we make use of some well-known results on the prime graphs of finite simple groups and their components.

Capacitary estimates of positive solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with absorbtion

Moshe Marcus, Laurent Véron (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let Ω be a bounded domain of class C 2 in N and let K be a compact subset of Ω . Assume that q ( N + 1 ) / ( N 1 ) and denote by U K the maximal solution of Δ u + u q = 0 in Ω which vanishes on Ω K . We obtain sharp upper and lower estimates for U K in terms of the Bessel capacity C 2 / q , q ' and prove that U K is σ -moderate. In addition we describe the precise asymptotic behavior of U K at points σ K , which depends on the “density” of K at σ , measured in terms of the capacity C 2 / q , q ' .

Soft local times and decoupling of random interlacements

Serguei Popov, Augusto Teixeira (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this paper we establish a decoupling feature of the random interlacement process u d at level u , d 3 . Roughly speaking, we show that observations of u restricted to two disjoint subsets A 1 and A 2 of d are approximately independent, once we add a sprinkling to the process u by slightly increasing the parameter u . Our results differ from previous ones in that we allow the mutual distance between the sets A 1 and A 2 to be much smaller than their diameters. We then provide an important application...