Displaying similar documents to “Automatic continued fractions are transcendental or quadratic”

On the length of rational continued fractions over q ( X )

S. Driss (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


Let q be a finite field and A ( Y ) q ( X , Y ) . The aim of this paper is to prove that the length of the continued fraction expansion of A ( P ) ; P q [ X ] , is bounded.

Perfect unary forms over real quadratic fields

Dan Yasaki (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


Let F = ( d ) be a real quadratic field with ring of integers 𝒪 . In this paper we analyze the number h d of GL 1 ( 𝒪 ) -orbits of homothety classes of perfect unary forms over F as a function of d . We compute h d exactly for square-free d 200000 . By relating perfect forms to continued fractions, we give bounds on h d and address some questions raised by Watanabe, Yano, and Hayashi.

Lacunary formal power series and the Stern-Brocot sequence

Jean-Paul Allouche, Michel Mendès France (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


Let F ( X ) = n 0 ( - 1 ) ε X - λ be a real lacunary formal power series, where εₙ = 0,1 and λ n + 1 / λ > 2 . It is known that the denominators Qₙ(X) of the convergents of its continued fraction expansion are polynomials with coefficients 0, ±1, and that the number of nonzero terms in Qₙ(X) is the nth term of the Stern-Brocot sequence. We show that replacing the index n by any 2-adic integer ω makes sense. We prove that Q ω ( X ) is a polynomial if and only if ω ∈ ℤ. In all the other cases Q ω ( X ) is an infinite formal power series; we discuss...

Multidimensional Gauss reduction theory for conjugacy classes of SL ( n , )

Oleg Karpenkov (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


In this paper we describe the set of conjugacy classes in the group SL ( n , ) . We expand geometric Gauss Reduction Theory that solves the problem for SL ( 2 , ) to the multidimensional case, where ς -reduced Hessenberg matrices play the role of reduced matrices. Further we find complete invariants of conjugacy classes in GL ( n , ) in terms of multidimensional Klein-Voronoi continued fractions.

5-dissections and sign patterns of Ramanujan's parameter and its companion

Shane Chern, Dazhao Tang (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In 1998, Michael Hirschhorn discovered the 5-dissection formulas of the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction R ( q ) and its reciprocal. We obtain the 5-dissections for functions R ( q ) R ( q 2 ) 2 and R ( q ) 2 / R ( q 2 ) , which are essentially Ramanujan’s parameter and its companion. Additionally, 5-dissections of the reciprocals of these two functions are derived. These 5-dissection formulas imply that the coefficients in their series expansions have periodic sign patterns with few exceptions.

Estimates of L p norms for sums of positive functions

Ilgiz Kayumov (2013)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


We present new inequalities of L p norms for sums of positive functions. These inequalities are useful for investigation of convergence of simple partial fractions in L p ( ) .

Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers of the form - 2 a - 3 b + 5 c

Yunyun Qu, Jiwen Zeng (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In this paper, we find all Pell and Pell-Lucas numbers written in the form - 2 a - 3 b + 5 c , in nonnegative integers a , b , c , with 0 max { a , b } c .

Fermat k -Fibonacci and k -Lucas numbers

Jhon J. Bravo, Jose L. Herrera (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica


Using the lower bound of linear forms in logarithms of Matveev and the theory of continued fractions by means of a variation of a result of Dujella and Pethő, we find all k -Fibonacci and k -Lucas numbers which are Fermat numbers. Some more general results are given.

The growth speed of digits in infinite iterated function systems

Chun-Yun Cao, Bao-Wei Wang, Jun Wu (2013)

Studia Mathematica


Let f n 1 be an infinite iterated function system on [0,1] satisfying the open set condition with the open set (0,1) and let Λ be its attractor. Then to any x ∈ Λ (except at most countably many points) corresponds a unique sequence a ( x ) n 1 of integers, called the digit sequence of x, such that x = l i m n f a ( x ) f a ( x ) ( 1 ) . We investigate the growth speed of the digits in a general infinite iterated function system. More precisely, we determine the dimension of the set x Λ : a ( x ) B ( n 1 ) , l i m n a ( x ) = for any infinite subset B ⊂ ℕ, a question posed by...

An approximation property of quadratic irrationals

Takao Komatsu (2002)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Let α > 1 be irrational. Several authors studied the numbers m ( α ) = inf { | y | : y Λ m , y 0 } , where m is a positive integer and Λ m denotes the set of all real numbers of the form y = ϵ 0 α n + ϵ 1 α n - 1 + + ϵ n - 1 α + ϵ n with restricted integer coefficients | ϵ i | m . The value of 1 ( α ) was determined for many particular Pisot numbers and m ( α ) for the golden number. In this paper the value of  m ( α ) is determined for irrational numbers  α , satisfying α 2 = a α ± 1 with a positive integer a .

Optimality of the Width- w Non-adjacent Form: General Characterisation and the Case of Imaginary Quadratic Bases

Clemens Heuberger, Daniel Krenn (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


We consider digit expansions j = 0 - 1 Φ j ( d j ) with an endomorphism Φ of an Abelian group. In such a numeral system, the w -NAF condition (each block of w consecutive digits contains at most one nonzero) is shown to minimise the Hamming weight over all expansions with the same digit set if and only if it fulfills the subadditivity condition (the sum of every two expansions of weight 1 admits an optimal w -NAF). This result is then applied to imaginary quadratic bases, which are used for scalar...