Displaying similar documents to “One-dimensional symmetry of periodic minimizers for a mean field equation”

On square functions associated to sectorial operators

Christian Le Merdy (2004)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We give new results on square functions x F = 0 F ( t A ) x 2 d t t 1 / 2 p associated to a sectorial operator A on L p for 1 < p < . Under the assumption that A is actually R -sectorial, we prove equivalences of the form K - 1 x G x F K x G for suitable functions F , G . We also show that A has a bounded H functional calculus with respect to . F . Then we apply our results to the study of conditions under which we have an estimate ( 0 | C e - t A ( x ) | 2 d t ) 1 / 2 q M x p , when - A generates a bounded semigroup e - t A on L p and C : D ( A ) L q is a linear mapping.

Copies of l p n ’s uniformly in the spaces Π 2 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) and Π 1 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X )

Dumitru Popa (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We study the presence of copies of l p n ’s uniformly in the spaces Π 2 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) and Π 1 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) . By using Dvoretzky’s theorem we deduce that if X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space, then Π 2 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) contains λ 2 -uniformly copies of l n ’s and Π 1 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) contains λ -uniformly copies of l 2 n ’s for all λ > 1 . As an application, we show that if X is an infinite-dimensional Banach space then the spaces Π 2 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) and Π 1 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) are distinct, extending the well-known result that the spaces Π 2 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) and 𝒩 ( C [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) are distinct.

H 2 convergence of solutions of a biharmonic problem on a truncated convex sector near the angle π

Abdelkader Tami, Mounir Tlemcani (2021)

Applications of Mathematics


We consider a biharmonic problem Δ 2 u ω = f ω with Navier type boundary conditions u ω = Δ u ω = 0 , on a family of truncated sectors Ω ω in 2 of radius r , 0 < r < 1 and opening angle ω , ω ( 2 π / 3 , π ] when ω is close to π . The family of right-hand sides ( f ω ) ω ( 2 π / 3 , π ] is assumed to depend smoothly on ω in L 2 ( Ω ω ) . The main result is that u ω converges to u π when ω π with respect to the H 2 -norm. We can also show that the H 2 -topology is optimal for such a convergence result.

On the uniqueness of periodic decomposition

Viktor Harangi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let a , . . . , a k be arbitrary nonzero real numbers. An ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition of a function f:ℝ → ℝ is a sum f + + f k = f where f i : is an a i -periodic function. Such a decomposition is not unique because there are several solutions of the equation h + + h k = 0 with h i : a i -periodic. We will give solutions of this equation with a certain simple structure (trivial solutions) and study whether there exist other solutions or not. If not, we say that the ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition is essentially unique. We characterize those periods for which essential...

Cobham's theorem for substitutions

Fabien Durand (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The seminal theorem of Cobham has given rise during the last 40 years to a lot of work about non-standard numeration systems and has been extended to many contexts. In this paper, as a result of fifteen years of improvements, we obtain a complete and general version for the so-called substitutive sequences. Let α and β be two multiplicatively independent Perron numbers. Then a sequence x A , where A is a finite alphabet, is both α -substitutive and β -substitutive if and only if x is ultimately...

On continuous self-maps and homeomorphisms of the Golomb space

Taras O. Banakh, Jerzy Mioduszewski, Sławomir Turek (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


The Golomb space τ is the set of positive integers endowed with the topology τ generated by the base consisting of arithmetic progressions { a + b n : n 0 } with coprime a , b . We prove that the Golomb space τ has continuum many continuous self-maps, contains a countable disjoint family of infinite closed connected subsets, the set Π of prime numbers is a dense metrizable subspace of τ , and each homeomorphism h of τ has the following properties: h ( 1 ) = 1 , h ( Π ) = Π , Π h ( x ) = h ( Π x ) , and h ( x ) = h ( x ) for all x . Here x : = { x n : n } and Π x denotes the set of...

A note on the Π -property of some subgroups of finite groups

Zhengtian Qiu, Guiyun Chen, Jianjun Liu (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let H be a subgroup of a finite group G . We say that H satisfies the Π -property in G if for any chief factor L / K of G , | G / K : N G / K ( H K / K L / K ) | is a π ( H K / K L / K ) -number. We obtain some criteria for the p -supersolubility or p -nilpotency of a finite group and extend some known results by concerning some subgroups that satisfy the Π -property.

Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a p ( x ) -Kirchhoff type problem via variational techniques

A. Mokhtari, Toufik Moussaoui, D. O’Regan (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum


This paper discusses the existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of p ( x ) -Kirchhoff type problems with Dirichlet boundary data of the following form - a + b Ω 1 p ( x ) | u | p ( x ) d x div ( | u | p ( x ) - 2 u ) = f ( x , u ) , i n Ω u = 0 o n Ω , where Ω is a smooth open subset of N and p C ( Ω ¯ ) with N < p - = inf x Ω p ( x ) p + = sup x Ω p ( x ) < + , a , b are positive constants and f : Ω ¯ × is a continuous function. The proof is based on critical point theory and variable exponent Sobolev space theory.

Global behavior of the difference equation x n + 1 = a x n - 3 b + c x n - 1 x n - 3

Raafat Abo-Zeid (2015)

Archivum Mathematicum


In this paper, we introduce an explicit formula and discuss the global behavior of solutions of the difference equation x n + 1 = a x n - 3 b + c x n - 1 x n - 3 , n = 0 , 1 , where a , b , c are positive real numbers and the initial conditions x - 3 , x - 2 , x - 1 , x 0 are real numbers.

The potential-Ramsey number of K n and K t - k

Jin-Zhi Du, Jian Hua Yin (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A nonincreasing sequence π = ( d 1 , ... , d n ) of nonnegative integers is a graphic sequence if it is realizable by a simple graph G on n vertices. In this case, G is referred to as a realization of π . Given two graphs G 1 and G 2 , A. Busch et al. (2014) introduced the potential-Ramsey number of G 1 and G 2 , denoted by r pot ( G 1 , G 2 ) , as the smallest nonnegative integer m such that for every m -term graphic sequence π , there is a realization G of π with G 1 G or with G 2 G ¯ , where G ¯ is the complement of G . For t 2 and 0 k t 2 , let K t - k be the graph...

On the topology of polynomials with bounded integer coefficients

De-Jun Feng (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a real number q > 1 and a positive integer m , let Y m ( q ) : = i = 0 n ϵ i q i : ϵ i 0 , ± 1 , ... , ± m , n = 0 , 1 , ... . In this paper, we show that Y m ( q ) is dense in if and only if q < m + 1 and q is not a Pisot number. This completes several previous results and answers an open question raised by Erdös, Joó and Komornik [8].

C 1 self-maps on closed manifolds with finitely many periodic points all of them hyperbolic

Jaume Llibre, Víctor F. Sirvent (2016)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let X be a connected closed manifold and f a self-map on X . We say that f is almost quasi-unipotent if every eigenvalue λ of the map f * k (the induced map on the k -th homology group of X ) which is neither a root of unity, nor a zero, satisfies that the sum of the multiplicities of λ as eigenvalue of all the maps f * k with k odd is equal to the sum of the multiplicities of λ as eigenvalue of all the maps f * k with k even. We prove that if f is C 1 having finitely many periodic points all of them...