Displaying similar documents to “The Fibonacci automorphism of free Burnside groups”

Large free subgroups of automorphism groups of ultrahomogeneous spaces

Szymon Głąb, Filip Strobin (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We consider the following notion of largeness for subgroups of S . A group G is large if it contains a free subgroup on generators. We give a necessary condition for a countable structure A to have a large group Aut(A) of automorphisms. It turns out that any countable free subgroup of S can be extended to a large free subgroup of S , and, under Martin’s Axiom, any free subgroup of S of cardinality less than can also be extended to a large free subgroup of S . Finally, if Gₙ are countable...

Regularity of sets with constant intrinsic normal in a class of Carnot groups

Marco Marchi (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


In this Note, we define a class of stratified Lie groups of arbitrary step (that are called “groups of type ” throughout the paper), and we prove that, in these groups, sets with constant intrinsic normal are vertical halfspaces. As a consequence, the reduced boundary of a set of finite intrinsic perimeter in a group of type is rectifiable in the intrinsic sense (De Giorgi’s rectifiability theorem). This result extends the previous one proved by Franchi, Serapioni & Serra Cassano...

A problem of Kollár and Larsen on finite linear groups and crepant resolutions

Robert Guralnick, Pham Tiep (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The notion of age of elements of complex linear groups was introduced by M. Reid and is of importance in algebraic geometry, in particular in the study of crepant resolutions and of quotients of Calabi–Yau varieties. In this paper, we solve a problem raised by J. Kollár and M. Larsen on the structure of finite irreducible linear groups generated by elements of age 1 . More generally, we bound the dimension of finite irreducible linear groups generated by elements of bounded deviation....

Deformation theory and finite simple quotients of triangle groups I

Michael Larsen, Alexander Lubotzky, Claude Marion (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let 2 a b c with μ = 1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / c < 1 and let T = T a , b , c = x , y , z : x a = y b = z c = x y z = 1 be the corresponding hyperbolic triangle group. Many papers have been dedicated to the following question: what are the finite (simple) groups which appear as quotients of T ? (Classically, for ( a , b , c ) = ( 2 , 3 , 7 ) and more recently also for general ( a , b , c ) .) These papers have used either explicit constructive methods or probabilistic ones. The goal of this paper is to present a new approach based on the theory of representation varieties (via deformation theory). As a corollary we essentially...

Automorphisms of ( λ ) / κ

Paul Larson, Paul McKenney (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We study conditions on automorphisms of Boolean algebras of the form ( λ ) / κ (where λ is an uncountable cardinal and κ is the ideal of sets of cardinality less than κ ) which allow one to conclude that a given automorphism is trivial. We show (among other things) that every automorphism of ( 2 κ ) / κ which is trivial on all sets of cardinality κ⁺ is trivial, and that M A implies both that every automorphism of (ℝ)/Fin is trivial on a cocountable set and that every automorphism of (ℝ)/Ctble is trivial. ...

Limits of relatively hyperbolic groups and Lyndon’s completions

Olga Kharlampovich, Alexei Myasnikov (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We describe finitely generated groups H universally equivalent (with constants from G in the language) to a given torsion-free relatively hyperbolic group G with free abelian parabolics. It turns out that, as in the free group case, the group H embeds into the Lyndon’s completion G [ t ] of the group G , or, equivalently, H embeds into a group obtained from G by finitely many extensions of centralizers. Conversely, every subgroup of G [ t ] containing G is universally equivalent to G . Since finitely...

On the golden number and Fibonacci type sequences

Eugeniusz Barcz (2019)

Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis | Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia


The paper presents, among others, the golden number ϕ as the limit of the quotient of neighboring terms of the Fibonacci and Fibonacci type sequence by means of a fixed point of a mapping of a certain interval with the help of Edelstein’s theorem. To demonstrate the equality  , where f n is n -th Fibonacci number also the formula from Corollary has been applied. It was obtained using some relationships between Fibonacci and Lucas numbers, which were previously justified.

On the intersection of two distinct k -generalized Fibonacci sequences

Diego Marques (2012)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let k 2 and define F ( k ) : = ( F n ( k ) ) n 0 , the k -generalized Fibonacci sequence whose terms satisfy the recurrence relation F n ( k ) = F n - 1 ( k ) + F n - 2 ( k ) + + F n - k ( k ) , with initial conditions 0 , 0 , , 0 , 1 ( k terms) and such that the first nonzero term is F 1 ( k ) = 1 . The sequences F : = F ( 2 ) and T : = F ( 3 ) are the known Fibonacci and Tribonacci sequences, respectively. In 2005, Noe and Post made a conjecture related to the possible solutions of the Diophantine equation F n ( k ) = F m ( ) . In this note, we use transcendental tools to provide a general method for finding the intersections F ( k ) F ( m ) which gives...

Artinian automorphisms of infinite groups

Antonella Leone (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


An automorphism a of a group G is called an artinian automorphism if for every strictly descending chain H 1 > H 2 > > H n > of subgroups of G there exists a positive integer m such that ( H n ) a = H n for every n m . In this paper we show that in many cases the group of all artinian automorphisms of G coincides with the group of all power automorphisms of G .

On the Davenport constant and group algebras

Daniel Smertnig (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae


For a finite abelian group G and a splitting field K of G, let (G,K) denote the largest integer l ∈ ℕ for which there is a sequence S = g · . . . · g l over G such that ( X g - a ) · . . . · ( X g l - a l ) 0 K [ G ] for all a , . . . , a l K × . If (G) denotes the Davenport constant of G, then there is the straightforward inequality (G) - 1 ≤ (G,K). Equality holds for a variety of groups, and a conjecture of W. Gao et al. states that equality holds for all groups. We offer further groups for which equality holds, but we also give the first examples of groups G for...

Groups of given intermediate word growth

Laurent Bartholdi, Anna Erschler (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We show that there exists a finitely generated group of growth f for all functions f : + + satisfying f ( 2 R ) f ( R ) 2 f ( η + R ) for all R large enough and η + 2 . 4675 the positive root of X 3 - X 2 - 2 X - 4 . Set α - = log 2 / log η + 0 . 7674 ; then all functions that grow uniformly faster than exp ( R α - ) are realizable as the growth of a group. We also give a family of sum-contracting branched groups of growth exp ( R α ) for a dense set of α [ α - , 1 ] .

k -free separable groups with prescribed endomorphism ring

Daniel Herden, Héctor Gabriel Salazar Pedroza (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We will consider unital rings A with free additive group, and want to construct (in ZFC) for each natural number k a family of k -free A-modules G which are separable as abelian groups with special decompositions. Recall that an A-module G is k -free if every subset of size < k is contained in a free submodule (we will refine this in Definition 3.2); and it is separable as an abelian group if any finite subset of G is contained in a free direct summand of G. Despite the fact that such a...

An exponential Diophantine equation related to the sum of powers of two consecutive k-generalized Fibonacci numbers

Carlos Alexis Gómez Ruiz, Florian Luca (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae


A generalization of the well-known Fibonacci sequence F n 0 given by F₀ = 0, F₁ = 1 and F n + 2 = F n + 1 + F for all n ≥ 0 is the k-generalized Fibonacci sequence F ( k ) n - ( k - 2 ) whose first k terms are 0,..., 0, 1 and each term afterwards is the sum of the preceding k terms. For the Fibonacci sequence the formula F ² + F ² n + 1 ² = F 2 n + 1 holds for all n ≥ 0. In this paper, we show that there is no integer x ≥ 2 such that the sum of the xth powers of two consecutive k-generalized Fibonacci numbers is again a k-generalized Fibonacci number. This...

The density of representation degrees

Martin Liebeck, Dan Segal, Aner Shalev (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a group G and a positive real number x , define d G ( x ) to be the number of integers less than x which are dimensions of irreducible complex representations of G . We study the asymptotics of d G ( x ) for algebraic groups, arithmetic groups and finitely generated linear groups. In particular we prove an “alternative” for finitely generated linear groups G in characteristic zero, showing that either there exists α > 0 such that d G ( x ) > x α for all large x , or G is virtually abelian (in which case d G ( x ) is bounded). ...

Amenability and unique ergodicity of automorphism groups of Fraïssé structures

Andy Zucker (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


In this paper we consider those Fraïssé classes which admit companion classes in the sense of [KPT]. We find a necessary and sufficient condition for the automorphism group of the Fraïssé limit to be amenable and apply it to prove the non-amenability of the automorphism groups of the directed graph S(3) and the boron tree structure T. Also, we provide a negative answer to the Unique Ergodicity-Generic Point problem of Angel-Kechris-Lyons [AKL]. By considering G L ( V ) , where V is the countably...

Product decompositions of quasirandom groups and a Jordan type theorem

Nikolay Nikolov, László Pyber (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We first note that a result of Gowers on product-free sets in groups has an unexpected consequence: If k is the minimal degree of a representation of the finite group G , then for every subset B of G with | B | > | G | / k 1 / 3 we have B 3 = G . We use this to obtain improved versions of recent deep theorems of Helfgott and of Shalev concerning product decompositions of finite simple groups, with much simpler proofs. On the other hand, we prove a version of Jordan’s theorem which implies that if k 2 , then G has a...

On the distance between generalized Fibonacci numbers

Jhon J. Bravo, Carlos A. Gómez, Florian Luca (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae


For an integer k ≥ 2, let ( F ( k ) ) be the k-Fibonacci sequence which starts with 0,..., 0,1 (k terms) and each term afterwards is the sum of the k preceding terms. This paper completes a previous work of Marques (2014) which investigated the spacing between terms of distinct k-Fibonacci sequences.