Displaying similar documents to “On malnormal peripheral subgroups of the fundamental group of a -manifold”

The Lebesgue constant for the periodic Franklin system

Markus Passenbrunner (2011)

Studia Mathematica


We identify the torus with the unit interval [0,1) and let n,ν ∈ ℕ with 0 ≤ ν ≤ n-1 and N:= n+ν. Then we define the (partially equally spaced) knots = ⎧ j/(2n) for j = 0,…,2ν, ⎨ ⎩ (j-ν)/n for for j = 2ν+1,…,N-1. Furthermore, given n,ν we let be the space of piecewise linear continuous functions on the torus with knots . Finally, let be the orthogonal projection operator from L²([0,1)) onto . The main result is . This shows in particular that the Lebesgue constant of the classical...

The Lebesgue constants for the Franklin orthogonal system

Z. Ciesielski, A. Kamont (2004)

Studia Mathematica


To each set of knots for i = 0,...,2ν and for i = 2ν + 1,..., n + ν, with 1 ≤ ν ≤ n, there corresponds the space of all piecewise linear and continuous functions on I = [0,1] with knots and the orthogonal projection of L²(I) onto . The main result is . This shows that the Lebesgue constant for the Franklin orthogonal system is 2 + (2-√3)².

On -permutably embedded subgroups of finite groups

Chenchen Cao, Li Zhang, Wenbin Guo (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be some partition of the set of all primes , be a finite group and . A set of subgroups of is said to be a complete Hall -set of if every non-identity member of is a Hall -subgroup of and contains exactly one Hall -subgroup of for every . is said to be -full if possesses a complete Hall -set. A subgroup of is -permutable in if possesses a complete Hall -set such that = for all and all . A subgroup of is -permutably embedded in...

A note on sumsets of subgroups in

Derrick Hart (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


Let A be a multiplicative subgroup of . Define the k-fold sumset of A to be . We show that for . In addition, we extend a result of Shkredov to show that for .

Some results on Sylow numbers of finite groups

Yang Liu, Jinjie Zhang (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We study the group structure in terms of the number of Sylow -subgroups, which is denoted by . The first part is on the group structure of finite group such that , where is a normal subgroup of . The second part is on the average Sylow number and we prove that if is a finite nonsolvable group with and , then , where is the Fitting subgroup of . In the third part, we study the nonsolvable group with small sum of Sylow numbers.

On -conjugate-permutability of Sylow subgroups

Xianhe Zhao, Ruifang Chen (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A subgroup of a finite group is said to be conjugate-permutable if for all . More generaly, if we limit the element to a subgroup of , then we say that the subgroup is -conjugate-permutable. By means of the -conjugate-permutable subgroups, we investigate the relationship between the nilpotence of and the -conjugate-permutability of the Sylow subgroups of and under the condition that , where and are subgroups of . Some results known in the literature are improved...

On -property of some maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups

Zhengtian Qiu, Jianjun Liu, Guiyun Chen (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be a subgroup of a finite group . We say that satisfies the -property in if for any chief factor of , is a -number. We study the influence of some -subgroups of satisfying the -property on the structure of , and generalize some known results.

On solvability of finite groups with some -supplemented subgroups

Jiakuan Lu, Yanyan Qiu (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A subgroup of a finite group is said to be -supplemented in if there exists a subgroup of such that and is -permutable in . In this paper, we first give an example to show that the conjecture in A. A. Heliel’s paper (2014) has negative solutions. Next, we prove that a finite group is solvable if every subgroup of odd prime order of is -supplemented in , and that is solvable if and only if every Sylow subgroup of odd order of is -supplemented in . These results...

On the number of isomorphism classes of derived subgroups

Leyli Jafari Taghvasani, Soran Marzang, Mohammad Zarrin (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We show that a finite nonabelian characteristically simple group satisfies if and only if , where is the number of isomorphism classes of derived subgroups of and is the set of prime divisors of the group . Also, we give a negative answer to a question raised in M. Zarrin (2014).

On the conjugate type vector and the structure of a normal subgroup

Ruifang Chen, Lujun Guo (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be a normal subgroup of a group . The structure of is given when the -conjugacy class sizes of is a set of a special kind. In fact, we give the structure of a normal subgroup under the assumption that the set of -conjugacy class sizes of is , where , and are distinct primes for , .

The vertical prolongation of the projectable connections

Anna Bednarska (2012)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


We prove that any first order -natural operator transforming projectable general connections on an -dimensional fibred-fibred manifold into general connections on the vertical prolongation of is the restriction of the (rather well-known) vertical prolongation operator lifting general connections on a fibred manifold into (the vertical prolongation of ) on .

Finite -nilpotent groups with some subgroups weakly -supplemented

Liushuan Dong (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Suppose that is a finite group and is a subgroup of . Subgroup is said to be weakly -supplemented in if there exists a subgroup of such that (1) , and (2) if is a maximal subgroup of , then , where is the largest normal subgroup of contained in . We fix in every noncyclic Sylow subgroup of a subgroup satisfying and study the -nilpotency of under the assumption that every subgroup of with is weakly -supplemented in . Some recent results are generalized. ...

Finite groups whose all proper subgroups are -groups

Pengfei Guo, Jianjun Liu (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A group is said to be a -group if for every divisor of the order of , there exists a subgroup of of order such that is normal or abnormal in . We give a complete classification of those groups which are not -groups but all of whose proper subgroups are -groups.

A note on the -property of some subgroups of finite groups

Zhengtian Qiu, Guiyun Chen, Jianjun Liu (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let be a subgroup of a finite group . We say that satisfies the -property in if for any chief factor of , is a -number. We obtain some criteria for the -supersolubility or -nilpotency of a finite group and extend some known results by concerning some subgroups that satisfy the -property.

Every -group with all subgroups normal-by-finite is locally finite

Enrico Jabara (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A group has all of its subgroups normal-by-finite if is finite for all subgroups of . The Tarski-groups provide examples of -groups ( a “large” prime) of nonlocally finite groups in which every subgroup is normal-by-finite. The aim of this paper is to prove that a -group with every subgroup normal-by-finite is locally finite. We also prove that if for every subgroup of , then contains an Abelian subgroup of index at most .