Displaying similar documents to “Limiting configurations for solutions of Hitchin’s equation”

Moduli of smoothness of functions and their derivatives

Z. Ditzian, S. Tikhonov (2007)

Studia Mathematica


Relations between moduli of smoothness of the derivatives of a function and those of the function itself are investigated. The results are for L p ( T ) and L p [ - 1 , 1 ] for 0 < p < ∞ using the moduli of smoothness ω r ( f , t ) p and ω φ r ( f , t ) p respectively.

The Kodaira dimension of the moduli space of Prym varieties

Gavril Farkas, Katharina Ludwig (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the enumerative geometry of the moduli space g of Prym varieties of dimension g - 1 . Our main result is that the compactication of g is of general type as soon as g > 13 and g is different from 15. We achieve this by computing the class of two types of cycles on g : one defined in terms of Koszul cohomology of Prym curves, the other defined in terms of Raynaud theta divisors associated to certain vector bundles on curves. We formulate a Prym–Green conjecture on syzygies of Prym-canonical...

On Verlinde sheaves and strange duality over elliptic Noether-Lefschetz divisors

Alina Marian, Dragos Oprea (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We extend results on generic strange duality for K 3 surfaces by showing that the proposed isomorphism holds over an entire Noether-Lefschetz divisor in the moduli space of quasipolarized K 3 s. We interpret the statement globally as an isomorphism of sheaves over this divisor, and also describe the global construction over the space of polarized K 3 s .

Some results on homotopy theory of modules

Zheng-Xu He (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Seguendo le idee presentate nei lavori [1] e [2] si studiano le proprietà dei gruppi di i -omotopia per moduli ed omomorfismi di moduli.

The tautological ring of M 1 , n c t

Mehdi Tavakol (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We describe the tautological ring of the moduli space of stable n -pointed curves of genus one of compact type. It is proven that it is a Gorenstein algebra.

A quantitative version of the converse Taylor theorem: C k , ω -smoothness

Michal Johanis (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae


We prove a uniform version of the converse Taylor theorem in infinite-dimensional spaces with an explicit relation between the moduli of continuity for mappings on a general open domain. We show that if the domain is convex and bounded, then we can extend the estimate up to the boundary.

Essential dimension of moduli of curves and other algebraic stacks

Patrick Brosnan, Zinovy Reichstein, Angelo Vistoli (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this paper we consider questions of the following type. Let k be a base field and K / k be a field extension. Given a geometric object X over a field K (e.g. a smooth curve of genus g ), what is the least transcendence degree of a field of definition of X over the base field k ? In other words, how many independent parameters are needed to define X ? To study these questions we introduce a notion of essential dimension for an algebraic stack. Using the resulting theory, we give a complete...

Bounds on the denominators in the canonical bundle formula

Enrica Floris (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


In this work we study the moduli part in the canonical bundle formula of an lc-trivial fibration whose general fibre is a rational curve. If r is the Cartier index of the fibre, it was expected that 12 r would provide a bound on the denominators of the moduli part. Here we prove that such a bound cannot even be polynomial in r , we provide a bound N ( r ) and an example where the smallest integer that clears the denominators of the moduli part is N ( r ) / r . Moreover we prove that even locally the denominators...

The KSBA compactification for the moduli space of degree two K 3 pairs

Radu Laza (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Inspired by the ideas of the minimal model program, Shepherd-Barron, Kollár, and Alexeev have constructed a geometric compactification for the moduli space of surfaces of log general type. In this paper, we discuss one of the simplest examples that fits into this framework: the case of pairs ( X , H ) consisting of a degree two K 3 surface X and an ample divisor H . Specifically, we construct and describe explicitly a geometric compactification P ¯ 2 for the moduli of degree two K 3 pairs. This compactification...

Multiple zeta values and periods of moduli spaces 𝔐 ¯ 0 , n

Francis C. S. Brown (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We prove a conjecture due to Goncharov and Manin which states that the periods of the moduli spaces 𝔐 0 , n of Riemann spheres with n marked points are multiple zeta values. We do this by introducing a differential algebra of multiple polylogarithms on 𝔐 0 , n and proving that it is closed under the operation of taking primitives. The main idea is to apply a version of Stokes’ formula iteratively to reduce each period integral to multiple zeta values. We also give a geometric interpretation of the...

Bridgeland-stable moduli spaces for K -trivial surfaces

Daniele Arcara, Aaron Bertram (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We give a one-parameter family of Bridgeland stability conditions on the derived category of a smooth projective complex surface S and describe “wall-crossing behavior” for objects with the same invariants as 𝒪 C ( H ) when H generates Pic ( S ) and C H . If, in addition, S is a K 3 or Abelian surface, we use this description to construct a sequence of fine moduli spaces of Bridgeland-stable objects via Mukai flops and generalized elementary modifications of the universal coherent sheaf. We also discover...

Hyperbolic geometry and moduli of real cubic surfaces

Daniel Allcock, James A. Carlson, Domingo Toledo (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Let 0 be the moduli space of smooth real cubic surfaces. We show that each of its components admits a real hyperbolic structure. More precisely, one can remove some lower-dimensional geodesic subspaces from a real hyperbolic space H 4 and form the quotient by an arithmetic group to obtain an orbifold isomorphic to a component of the moduli space. There are five components. For each we describe the corresponding lattices in PO ( 4 , 1 ) . We also derive several new and several old results on the topology...

Singular principal G -bundles on nodal curves

Alexander Schmitt (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In the present paper, we give a first general construction of compactified moduli spaces for semistable G -bundles on an irreducible complex projective curve X with exactly one node, where G is a semisimple linear algebraic group over the complex numbers.

The Kodaira dimension of Siegel modular varieties of genus 3 or higher

Eric Schellhammer (2006)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We consider the moduli space A pol ( n ) of (non-principally) polarised abelian varieties of genus g 3 with coprime polarisation and full level-n structure. Based upon the analysis of the Tits building in [S], we give an explicit lower bound on n that is sufficient for the compactified moduli space to be of general type if one further explicit condition is satisfied.

On the motives of moduli of chains and Higgs bundles

Oscar García-Prada, Jochen Heinloth, Alexander Schmitt (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We take another approach to Hitchin’s strategy of computing the cohomology of moduli spaces of Higgs bundles by localization with respect to the circle action. Our computation is done in the dimensional completion of the Grothendieck ring of varieties and starts by describing the classes of moduli stacks of chains rather than their coarse moduli spaces. As an application we show that the n -torsion of the Jacobian acts trivially on the middle dimensional cohomology of the moduli space...

Width asymptotics for a pair of Reinhardt domains

A. Aytuna, A. Rashkovskii, V. Zahariuta (2002)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


For complete Reinhardt pairs “compact set - domain” K ⊂ D in ℂⁿ, we prove Zahariuta’s conjecture about the exact asymptotics l n d s ( A K D ) - ( ( n ! s ) / τ ( K , D ) ) 1 / n , s → ∞, for the Kolmogorov widths d s ( A K D ) of the compact set in C(K) consisting of all analytic functions in D with moduli not exceeding 1 in D, τ(K,D) being the condenser pluricapacity of K with respect to D.

Euler characteristics of moduli spaces of curves

Gilberto Bini, John Harer (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let M g n be the moduli space of n -pointed Riemann surfaces of genus g . Denote by M g n ¯ the Deligne-Mumford compactification of M g n . In the present paper, we calculate the orbifold and the ordinary Euler characteristic of M g n ¯ for any g and n such that n > 2 - 2 g .

The automorphism group of M ¯ 0 , n

Andrea Bruno, Massimiliano Mella (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The paper studies fiber type morphisms between moduli spaces of pointed rational curves. Via Kapranov’s description we are able to prove that the only such morphisms are forgetful maps. This allows us to show that the automorphism group of M ¯ 0 , n is the permutation group on n elements as soon as n 5 .

Soluble Groups with Many Černikov Quotients

Silvana Franciosi, Francesco de Giovanni (1985)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Si studiano i gruppi risolubili non di Černikov a quozienti propri di Černikov. Nel caso periodico tali gruppi sono tutti e soli i prodotti semidiretti H N con N p -gruppo abeliano elementare infinito e H gruppo irriducibile di automorfismi di N che sia infinito e di Černikov. Nel caso non periodico invece si riconduce tale studio a quello dei moduli a quozienti propri artiniani su un gruppo risolubile finito, e si fornisce una caratterizzazione di tali moduli.

Flexibility of surface groups in classical simple Lie groups

Inkang Kim, Pierre Pansu (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We show that a surface group of high genus contained in a classical simple Lie group can be deformed to become Zariski dense, unless the Lie group is S U ( p , q ) (resp. S O * ( 2 n ) , n odd) and the surface group is maximal in some S ( U ( p , p ) × U ( q - p ) ) S U ( p , q ) (resp. S O * ( 2 n - 2 ) × S O ( 2 ) S O * ( 2 n ) ). This is a converse, for classical groups, to a rigidity result of S. Bradlow, O. García-Prada and P. Gothen.

Tautological relations and the r -spin Witten conjecture

Carel Faber, Sergey Shadrin, Dimitri Zvonkine (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


In [11], A. Givental introduced a group action on the space of Gromov–Witten potentials and proved its transitivity on the semi-simple potentials. In [24, 25], Y.-P. Lee showed, modulo certain results announced by C. Teleman, that this action respects the tautological relations in the cohomology ring of the moduli space ¯ g , n of stable pointed curves. Here we give a simpler proof of this result. In particular, it implies that in any semi-simple Gromov–Witten theory where arbitrary correlators...

An alternative description of the Drinfeld p -adic half-plane

Stephen Kudla, Michael Rapoport (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We show that the Deligne formal model of the Drinfeld p -adic half-plane relative to a local field F represents a moduli problem of polarized O F -modules with an action of the ring of integers in a quadratic extension E of F . The proof proceeds by establishing a comparison isomorphism with the Drinfeld moduli problem. This isomorphism reflects the accidental isomorphism of SL 2 ( F ) and SU ( C ) ( F ) for a two-dimensional split hermitian space C for E / F .