Displaying similar documents to “A characterization of graphs which can be approximated in area by smooth graphs”

Equivalent classes for K₃-gluings of wheels

Halina Bielak (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


In this paper, the chromaticity of K₃-gluings of two wheels is studied. For each even integer n ≥ 6 and each odd integer 3 ≤ q ≤ [n/2] all K₃-gluings of wheels W q + 2 and W n - q + 2 create an χ-equivalent class.

Remarks on D -integral complete multipartite graphs

Pavel Híc, Milan Pokorný (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A graph is called distance integral (or D -integral) if all eigenvalues of its distance matrix are integers. In their study of D -integral complete multipartite graphs, Yang and Wang (2015) posed two questions on the existence of such graphs. We resolve these questions and present some further results on D -integral complete multipartite graphs. We give the first known distance integral complete multipartite graphs K p 1 , p 2 , p 3 with p 1 < p 2 < p 3 , and K p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4 with p 1 < p 2 < p 3 < p 4 , as well as the infinite classes of distance integral...

Intrinsic linking and knotting are arbitrarily complex

Erica Flapan, Blake Mellor, Ramin Naimi (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that, given any n and α, any embedding of any sufficiently large complete graph in ℝ³ contains an oriented link with components Q₁, ..., Qₙ such that for every i ≠ j, | l k ( Q i , Q j ) | α and | a ( Q i ) | α , where a ( Q i ) denotes the second coefficient of the Conway polynomial of Q i .

On characterization of uniquely 3-list colorable complete multipartite graphs

Yancai Zhao, Erfang Shan (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


For each vertex v of a graph G, if there exists a list of k colors, L(v), such that there is a unique proper coloring for G from this collection of lists, then G is called a uniquely k-list colorable graph. Ghebleh and Mahmoodian characterized uniquely 3-list colorable complete multipartite graphs except for nine graphs: K 2 , 2 , r r ∈ 4,5,6,7,8, K 2 , 3 , 4 , K 1 * 4 , 4 , K 1 * 4 , 5 , K 1 * 5 , 4 . Also, they conjectured that the nine graphs are not U3LC graphs. After that, except for K 2 , 2 , r r ∈ 4,5,6,7,8, the others have been proved not...

Weak and strong density results for the Dirichlet energy

Mariano Giaquinta, Domenico Mucci (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let 𝒴 be a smooth oriented Riemannian manifold which is compact, connected, without boundary and with second homology group without torsion. In this paper we characterize the sequential weak closure of smooth graphs in B n × 𝒴 with equibounded Dirichlet energies, B n being the unit ball in n . More precisely, weak limits of graphs of smooth maps u k : B n 𝒴 with equibounded Dirichlet integral give rise to elements of the space cart 2 , 1 ( B n × 𝒴 ) (cf. [4], [5], [6]). In this paper we prove that every element T in cart 2 , 1 ( B n × 𝒴 ) is the...

Embedding products of graphs into Euclidean spaces

Mikhail Skopenkov (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For any collection of graphs G , . . . , G N we find the minimal dimension d such that the product G × . . . × G N is embeddable into d (see Theorem 1 below). In particular, we prove that (K₅)ⁿ and ( K 3 , 3 ) are not embeddable into 2 n , where K₅ and K 3 , 3 are the Kuratowski graphs. This is a solution of a problem of Menger from 1929. The idea of the proof is a reduction to a problem from so-called Ramsey link theory: we show that any embedding L k O S 2 n - 1 , where O is a vertex of (K₅)ⁿ, has a pair of linked (n-1)-spheres.

Edit distance measure for graphs

Tomasz Dzido, Krzysztof Krzywdziński (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


In this paper, we investigate a measure of similarity of graphs similar to the Ramsey number. We present values and bounds for g ( n , l ) , the biggest number k guaranteeing that there exist l graphs on n vertices, each two having edit distance at least k . By edit distance of two graphs G , F we mean the number of edges needed to be added to or deleted from graph G to obtain graph F . This new extremal number g ( n , l ) is closely linked to the edit distance of graphs. Using probabilistic methods we show...

Generalized list colourings of graphs

Mieczysław Borowiecki, Ewa Drgas-Burchardt, Peter Mihók (1995)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


We prove: (1) that c h P ( G ) - χ P ( G ) can be arbitrarily large, where c h P ( G ) and χ P ( G ) are P-choice and P-chromatic numbers, respectively, (2) the (P,L)-colouring version of Brooks’ and Gallai’s theorems.

On distinguishing and distinguishing chromatic numbers of hypercubes

Werner Klöckl (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


The distinguishing number D(G) of a graph G is the least integer d such that G has a labeling with d colors that is not preserved by any nontrivial automorphism. The restriction to proper labelings leads to the definition of the distinguishing chromatic number χ D ( G ) of G. Extending these concepts to infinite graphs we prove that D ( Q ) = 2 and χ D ( Q ) = 3 , where Q denotes the hypercube of countable dimension. We also show that χ D ( Q ) = 4 , thereby completing the investigation of finite hypercubes with respect to χ D . Our...

Nearly complete graphs decomposable into large induced matchings and their applications

Noga Alon, Ankur Moitra, Benjamin Sudakov (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We describe two constructions of (very) dense graphs which are edge disjoint unions of large induced matchings. The first construction exhibits graphs on N vertices with ( N 2 ) - o ( N 2 ) edges, which can be decomposed into pairwise disjoint induced matchings, each of size N 1 - o ( 1 ) . The second construction provides a covering of all edges of the complete graph K N by two graphs, each being the edge disjoint union of at most N 2 - δ induced matchings, where δ > 0 , 076 . This disproves (in a strong form) a conjecture of Meshulam,...

Persistency in the Traveling Salesman Problem on Halin graphs

Vladimír Lacko (2000)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


For the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) on Halin graphs with three types of cost functions: sum, bottleneck and balanced and with arbitrary real edge costs we compute in polynomial time the persistency partition E A l l , E S o m e , E N o n e of the edge set E, where: E A l l = e ∈ E, e belongs to all optimum solutions, E N o n e = e ∈ E, e does not belong to any optimum solution and E S o m e = e ∈ E, e belongs to some but not to all optimum solutions.

On choosability of complete multipartite graphs K 4 , 3 * t , 2 * ( k - 2 t - 2 ) , 1 * ( t + 1 )

Guo-Ping Zheng, Yu-Fa Shen, Zuo-Li Chen, Jin-Feng Lv (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A graph G is said to be chromatic-choosable if ch(G) = χ(G). Ohba has conjectured that every graph G with 2χ(G)+1 or fewer vertices is chromatic-choosable. It is clear that Ohba’s conjecture is true if and only if it is true for complete multipartite graphs. In this paper we show that Ohba’s conjecture is true for complete multipartite graphs K 4 , 3 * t , 2 * ( k - 2 t - 2 ) , 1 * ( t + 1 ) for all integers t ≥ 1 and k ≥ 2t+2, that is, c h ( K 4 , 3 * t , 2 * ( k - 2 t - 2 ) , 1 * ( t + 1 ) ) = k , which extends the results c h ( K 4 , 3 , 2 * ( k - 4 ) , 1 * 2 ) = k given by Shen et al. (Discrete Math. 308 (2008) 136-143), and c h ( K 4 , 3 * 2 , 2 * ( k - 6 ) , 1 * 3 ) = k ...

Convergence of greedy approximation I. General systems

S. V. Konyagin, V. N. Temlyakov (2003)

Studia Mathematica


We consider convergence of thresholding type approximations with regard to general complete minimal systems eₙ in a quasi-Banach space X. Thresholding approximations are defined as follows. Let eₙ* ⊂ X* be the conjugate (dual) system to eₙ; then define for ε > 0 and x ∈ X the thresholding approximations as T ε ( x ) : = j D ε ( x ) e * j ( x ) e j , where D ε ( x ) : = j : | e * j ( x ) | ε . We study a generalized version of T ε that we call the weak thresholding approximation. We modify the T ε ( x ) in the following way. For ε > 0, t ∈ (0,1) we set D t , ε ( x ) : = j : t ε | e * j ( x ) | < ε and consider...

2-halvable complete 4-partite graphs

Dalibor Fronček (1998)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


A complete 4-partite graph K m , m , m , m is called d-halvable if it can be decomposed into two isomorphic factors of diameter d. In the class of graphs K m , m , m , m with at most one odd part all d-halvable graphs are known. In the class of biregular graphs K m , m , m , m with four odd parts (i.e., the graphs K m , m , m , n and K m , m , n , n ) all d-halvable graphs are known as well, except for the graphs K m , m , n , n when d = 2 and n ≠ m. We prove that such graphs are 2-halvable iff n,m ≥ 3. We also determine a new class of non-halvable graphs K m , m , m , m with three...

A note on the independent domination number versus the domination number in bipartite graphs

Shaohui Wang, Bing Wei (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let γ ( G ) and i ( G ) be the domination number and the independent domination number of G , respectively. Rad and Volkmann posted a conjecture that i ( G ) / γ ( G ) Δ ( G ) / 2 for any graph G , where Δ ( G ) is its maximum degree (see N. J. Rad, L. Volkmann (2013)). In this work, we verify the conjecture for bipartite graphs. Several graph classes attaining the extremal bound and graphs containing odd cycles with the ratio larger than Δ ( G ) / 2 are provided as well.

Some remarks providing discontinuous maps on some C p ( X ) spaces

S. Moll (2008)

Banach Center Publications


Let X be a completely regular Hausdorff topological space and C p ( X ) the space of continuous real-valued maps on X endowed with the pointwise topology. A simple and natural argument is presented to show how to construct on the space C p ( X ) , if X contains a homeomorphic copy of the closed interval [0,1], real-valued maps which are everywhere discontinuous but continuous on all compact subsets of C p ( X ) .

Complete pluripolar graphs in N

Nguyen Quang Dieu, Phung Van Manh (2014)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let F be the Cartesian product of N closed sets in ℂ. We prove that there exists a function g which is continuous on F and holomorphic on the interior of F such that Γ g ( F ) : = ( z , g ( z ) ) : z F is complete pluripolar in N + 1 . Using this result, we show that if D is an analytic polyhedron then there exists a bounded holomorphic function g such that Γ g ( D ) is complete pluripolar in N + 1 . These results are high-dimensional analogs of the previous ones due to Edlund [Complete pluripolar curves and graphs, Ann. Polon. Math....

Paired domination in prisms of graphs

Christina M. Mynhardt, Mark Schurch (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


The paired domination number γ p r ( G ) of a graph G is the smallest cardinality of a dominating set S of G such that ⟨S⟩ has a perfect matching. The generalized prisms πG of G are the graphs obtained by joining the vertices of two disjoint copies of G by |V(G)| independent edges. We provide characterizations of the following three classes of graphs: γ p r ( π G ) = 2 γ p r ( G ) for all πG; γ p r ( K G ) = 2 γ p r ( G ) ; γ p r ( K G ) = γ p r ( G ) .

On generalized shift graphs

Christian Avart, Tomasz Łuczak, Vojtěch Rödl (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


In 1968 Erdős and Hajnal introduced shift graphs as graphs whose vertices are the k-element subsets of [n] = 1,...,n (or of an infinite cardinal κ ) and with two k-sets A = a , . . . , a k and B = b , . . . , b k joined if a < a = b < a = b < < a k = b k - 1 < b k . They determined the chromatic number of these graphs. In this paper we extend this definition and study the chromatic number of graphs defined similarly for other types of mutual position with respect to the underlying ordering. As a consequence of our result, we show the existence of a graph with...

Expansion in S L d ( 𝒪 K / I ) , I square-free

Péter P. Varjú (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let S be a fixed symmetric finite subset of S L d ( 𝒪 K ) that generates a Zariski dense subgroup of S L d ( 𝒪 K ) when we consider it as an algebraic group over m a t h b b Q by restriction of scalars. We prove that the Cayley graphs of S L d ( 𝒪 K / I ) with respect to the projections of S is an expander family if I ranges over square-free ideals of 𝒪 K if d = 2 and K is an arbitrary numberfield, or if d = 3 and K = .

Functions with prescribed singularities

Giovanni Alberti, S. Baldo, G. Orlandi (2003)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The distributional k -dimensional Jacobian of a map u in the Sobolev space W 1 , k 1 which takes values in the sphere S k 1 can be viewed as the boundary of a rectifiable current of codimension k carried by (part of) the singularity of u which is topologically relevant. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the range of the Jacobian operator; in particular, we show that any boundary M of codimension k can be realized as Jacobian of a Sobolev map valued in S k 1 . In case M is polyhedral, the...

A compactness result for polyharmonic maps in the critical dimension

Shenzhou Zheng (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For n = 2 m 4 , let Ω n be a bounded smooth domain and 𝒩 L a compact smooth Riemannian manifold without boundary. Suppose that { u k } W m , 2 ( Ω , 𝒩 ) is a sequence of weak solutions in the critical dimension to the perturbed m -polyharmonic maps d d t | t = 0 E m ( Π ( u + t ξ ) ) = 0 with Φ k 0 in ( W m , 2 ( Ω , 𝒩 ) ) * and u k u weakly in W m , 2 ( Ω , 𝒩 ) . Then u is an m -polyharmonic map. In particular, the space of m -polyharmonic maps is sequentially compact for the weak- W m , 2 topology.