Displaying similar documents to “Homological category weights and estimates for cat 1 ( X , ξ )

Recollement of colimit categories and its applications

Ju Huang, QingHua Chen, Chunhuan Lai (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We give an explicit recollement for a cocomplete abelian category and its colimit category. We obtain some applications on Leavitt path algebras, derived equivalences and K -groups.

On the structure of halfdiagonal-halfterminal-symmetric categories with diagonal inversions

Hans-Jürgen Vogel (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications


The category of all binary relations between arbitrary sets turns out to be a certain symmetric monoidal category Rel with an additional structure characterized by a family d = ( d A : A A A | A | R e l | ) of diagonal morphisms, a family t = ( t A : A I | A | R e l | ) of terminal morphisms, and a family = ( A : A A A | A | R e l | ) of diagonal inversions having certain properties. Using this properties in [11] was given a system of axioms which characterizes the abstract concept of a halfdiagonal-halfterminal-symmetric monoidal category with diagonal inversions (hdht∇s-category)....

Schur-Finite Motives and Trace Identities

Alessio Del Padrone, Carlo Mazza (2009)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We provide a sufficient condition that ensures the nilpotency of endomorphisms universally of trace zero of Schur-finite objects in a category of homological type, i.e., a -linear -category with a tensor functor to super vector spaces. We present some applications in the category of motives, where our result generalizes previous results about finite-dimensional objects, in particular by Kimura. We also present some facts which suggest that this might be the best generalization possible...

Determinantal Barlow surfaces and phantom categories

Christian Böhning, Hans-Christian Graf von Bothmer, Ludmil Katzarkov, Pawel Sosna (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We prove that the bounded derived category of the surface S constructed by Barlow admits a length 11 exceptional sequence consisting of (explicit) line bundles. Moreover, we show that in a small neighbourhood of S in the moduli space of determinantal Barlow surfaces, the generic surface has a semiorthogonal decomposition of its derived category into a length 11 exceptional sequence of line bundles and a category with trivial Grothendieck group and Hochschild homology, called a phantom...

Triangulated categories of periodic complexes and orbit categories

Jian Liu (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We investigate the triangulated hull of orbit categories of the perfect derived category and the bounded derived category of a ring concerning the power of the suspension functor. It turns out that the triangulated hull corresponds to the full subcategory of compact objects of certain triangulated categories of periodic complexes. This specializes to Stai and Zhao’s result on the finite dimensional algebra of finite global dimension. As the first application, if A , B are flat algebras...

n -angulated quotient categories induced by mutation pairs

Zengqiang Lin (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Geiss, Keller and Oppermann (2013) introduced the notion of n -angulated category, which is a “higher dimensional” analogue of triangulated category, and showed that certain ( n - 2 ) -cluster tilting subcategories of triangulated categories give rise to n -angulated categories. We define mutation pairs in n -angulated categories and prove that given such a mutation pair, the corresponding quotient category carries a natural n -angulated structure. This result generalizes a theorem of Iyama-Yoshino...

A note on model structures on arbitrary Frobenius categories

Zhi-wei Li (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We show that there is a model structure in the sense of Quillen on an arbitrary Frobenius category such that the homotopy category of this model structure is equivalent to the stable category ̲ as triangulated categories. This seems to be well-accepted by experts but we were unable to find a complete proof for it in the literature. When is a weakly idempotent complete (i.e., every split monomorphism is an inflation) Frobenius category, the model structure we constructed is an exact...

Colimit-dense subcategories

Jiří Adámek, Andrew D. Brooke-Taylor, Tim Campion, Leonid Positselski, Jiří Rosický (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Among cocomplete categories, the locally presentable ones can be defined as those with a strong generator consisting of presentable objects. Assuming Vopěnka’s Principle, we prove that a cocomplete category is locally presentable if and only if it has a colimit dense subcategory and a generator consisting of presentable objects. We further show that a 3 -element set is colimit-dense in 𝐒𝐞𝐭 op , and spaces of countable dimension are colimit-dense in 𝐕𝐞𝐜 op .

The categories of presheaves containing any category of algebras

V. Trnková, J. Reiterman


ContentsIntroduction.................................................................................................................................................. 5I. Preliminaries........................................................................................................................................... 6II. Main theorem.......................................................................................................................................... 8III. The...

Base change for Picard-Vessiot closures

Andy R. Magid (2011)

Banach Center Publications


The differential automorphism group, over F, Π₁(F₁) of the Picard-Vessiot closure F₁ of a differential field F is a proalgebraic group over the field C F of constants of F, which is assumed to be algebraically closed of characteristic zero, and its category of C F modules is equivalent to the category of differential modules over F. We show how this group and the category equivalence behave under a differential extension E ⊃ F, where C E is also algebraically closed.

Gorenstein dimension of abelian categories arising from cluster tilting subcategories

Yu Liu, Panyue Zhou (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝒞 be a triangulated category and 𝒳 be a cluster tilting subcategory of 𝒞 . Koenig and Zhu showed that the quotient category 𝒞 / 𝒳 is Gorenstein of Gorenstein dimension at most one. But this is not always true when 𝒞 becomes an exact category. The notion of an extriangulated category was introduced by Nakaoka and Palu as a simultaneous generalization of exact categories and triangulated categories. Now let 𝒞 be an extriangulated category with enough projectives and enough injectives, and...

One-sided n -suspended categories

Jing He, Yonggang Hu, Panyue Zhou (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For an integer n 3 , we introduce a simultaneous generalization of ( n - 2 ) -exact categories and n -angulated categories, referred to as one-sided n -suspended categories. Notably, one-sided n -angulated categories are specific instances of this structure. We establish a framework for transitioning from these generalized categories to their n -angulated counterparts. Additionally, we present a method for constructing n -angulated quotient categories from Frobenius n -prile categories. Our results unify...

Various categorical approaches to statistical spaces

Tadeusz Bromek, Maria Moszyńska


CONTENTSIntroduction..............................................................................................................51. Preliminaries........................................................................................................61.0. Measurable, probabilistic, and statistical spaces..............................................61.1. Transition functions..........................................................................................61.2. Linear space of...

Relative Auslander bijection in n -exangulated categories

Jian He, Jing He, Panyue Zhou (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


The aim of this article is to study the relative Auslander bijection in n -exangulated categories. More precisely, we introduce the notion of generalized Auslander-Reiten-Serre duality and exploit a bijection triangle, which involves the generalized Auslander-Reiten-Serre duality and the restricted Auslander bijection relative to the subfunctor. As an application, this result generalizes the work by Zhao in extriangulated categories.

A general theory of polyhedral sets and the corresponding T-complexes

David W. Jones


PrefaceThis paper is essentially David Jones' 1984 University of Wales Ph. D. Thesis, "Poly-T-complexes". It is published concurrently with Asley, 1988.The main aim is to find a setting for the most general kinds of geometrically defined compositions. Thus it comes under the slogan: "Find an algebraic inverse to subdivision". In the background is the Generalised Van Kampen Theorem, whose proof uses in an essential way general compositions of cubes. An even older background is the idea...

Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules are modules

Daowei Lu, Shuan Hong Wang (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let H be a finite-dimensional bialgebra. In this paper, we prove that the category ℒℛ ( H ) of Yetter-Drinfeld-Long bimodules, introduced by F. Panaite, F. Van Oystaeyen (2008), is isomorphic to the Yetter-Drinfeld category H H * H H * 𝒴𝒟 over the tensor product bialgebra H H * as monoidal categories. Moreover if H is a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra with bijective antipode, the isomorphism is braided. Finally, as an application of this category isomorphism, we give two results.

The Brauer category and invariant theory

Gustav I. Lehrer, R. B. Zhang (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


A category of Brauer diagrams, analogous to Turaev’s tangle category, is introduced, a presentation of the category is given, and full tensor functors are constructed from this category to the category of tensor representations of the orthogonal group O ( V ) or the symplectic group Sp ( V ) over any field of characteristic zero. The first and second fundamental theorems of invariant theory for these classical groups are generalised to the category theoretic setting. The major outcome is that...

The logic of categories of partial functions and its applications

Adam Obtułowicz


CONTENTS0. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................................51. Preliminaries.....................................................................................................................................................................................92. Relations and functional relations in a category.............................................................................................................................13 2.1....

Duality for Hilbert algebras with supremum: An application

Hernando Gaitan (2017)

Mathematica Bohemica


We modify slightly the definition of H -partial functions given by Celani and Montangie (2012); these partial functions are the morphisms in the category of H -space and this category is the dual category of the category with objects the Hilbert algebras with supremum and morphisms, the algebraic homomorphisms. As an application we show that finite pure Hilbert algebras with supremum are determined by the monoid of their endomorphisms.

Two results of n -exangulated categories

Jian He, Jing He, Panyue Zhou (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


M. Herschend, Y. Liu, H. Nakaoka introduced n -exangulated categories, which are a simultaneous generalization of n -exact categories and ( n + 2 ) -angulated categories. This paper consists of two results on n -exangulated categories: (1) we give an equivalent characterization of axiom (EA2); (2) we provide a new way to construct a closed subfunctor of an n -exangulated category.