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Displaying similar documents to “A Class of Contractions in Hilbert Space and Applications”

Some equivalent metrics for bounded normal operators

Mohammad Reza Jabbarzadeh, Rana Hajipouri (2018)

Mathematica Bohemica


Some stronger and equivalent metrics are defined on , the set of all bounded normal operators on a Hilbert space H and then some topological properties of are investigated.

Operator theoretic properties of semigroups in terms of their generators

S. Blunck, L. Weis (2001)

Studia Mathematica


Let ( T t ) be a C₀ semigroup with generator A on a Banach space X and let be an operator ideal, e.g. the class of compact, Hilbert-Schmidt or trace class operators. We show that the resolvent R(λ,A) of A belongs to if and only if the integrated semigroup S t : = 0 t T s d s belongs to . For analytic semigroups, S t implies T t , and in this case we give precise estimates for the growth of the -norm of T t (e.g. the trace of T t ) in terms of the resolvent growth and the imbedding D(A) ↪ X.

L₁-uniqueness of degenerate elliptic operators

Derek W. Robinson, Adam Sikora (2011)

Studia Mathematica


Let Ω be an open subset of d with 0 ∈ Ω. Furthermore, let H Ω = - i , j = 1 d i c i j j be a second-order partial differential operator with domain C c ( Ω ) where the coefficients c i j W l o c 1 , ( Ω ̅ ) are real, c i j = c j i and the coefficient matrix C = ( c i j ) satisfies bounds 0 < C(x) ≤ c(|x|)I for all x ∈ Ω. If 0 d s s d / 2 e - λ μ ( s ) ² < for some λ > 0 where μ ( s ) = 0 s d t c ( t ) - 1 / 2 then we establish that H Ω is L₁-unique, i.e. it has a unique L₁-extension which generates a continuous semigroup, if and only if it is Markov unique, i.e. it has a unique L₂-extension which generates a submarkovian semigroup....

On the continuity of the elements of the Ellis semigroup and other properties

Salvador García-Ferreira, Yackelin Rodríguez-López, Carlos Uzcátegui (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We consider discrete dynamical systems whose phase spaces are compact metrizable countable spaces. In the first part of the article, we study some properties that guarantee the continuity of all functions of the corresponding Ellis semigroup. For instance, if every accumulation point of X is fixed, we give a necessary and sufficient condition on a point a X ' in order that all functions of the Ellis semigroup E ( X , f ) be continuous at the given point a . In the second part, we consider transitive...

On left ϕ -biflat Banach algebras

Amir Sahami, Mehdi Rostami, Abdolrasoul Pourabbas (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We study the notion of left ϕ -biflatness for Segal algebras and semigroup algebras. We show that the Segal algebra S ( G ) is left ϕ -biflat if and only if G is amenable. Also we characterize left ϕ -biflatness of semigroup algebra l 1 ( S ) in terms of biflatness, when S is a Clifford semigroup.

Generalized Hilbert Operators on Bergman and Dirichlet Spaces of Analytic Functions

Sunanda Naik, Karabi Rajbangshi (2015)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Let f be an analytic function on the unit disk . We define a generalized Hilbert-type operator a , b by a , b ( f ) ( z ) = Γ ( a + 1 ) / Γ ( b + 1 ) 0 1 ( f ( t ) ( 1 - t ) b ) / ( ( 1 - t z ) a + 1 ) d t , where a and b are non-negative real numbers. In particular, for a = b = β, a , b becomes the generalized Hilbert operator β , and β = 0 gives the classical Hilbert operator . In this article, we find conditions on a and b such that a , b is bounded on Dirichlet-type spaces S p , 0 < p < 2, and on Bergman spaces A p , 2 < p < ∞. Also we find an upper bound for the norm of the operator a , b ....

The covariety of perfect numerical semigroups with fixed Frobenius number

María Ángeles Moreno-Frías, José Carlos Rosales (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let S be a numerical semigroup. We say that h S is an isolated gap of S if { h - 1 , h + 1 } S . A numerical semigroup without isolated gaps is called a perfect numerical semigroup. Denote by m ( S ) the multiplicity of a numerical semigroup S . A covariety is a nonempty family 𝒞 of numerical semigroups that fulfills the following conditions: there exists the minimum of 𝒞 , the intersection of two elements of 𝒞 is again an element of 𝒞 , and S { m ( S ) } 𝒞 for all S 𝒞 such that S min ( 𝒞 ) . We prove that the set 𝒫 ( F ) = { S : S is a perfect numerical semigroup...

Rational fixed points for linear group actions

Pietro Corvaja (2007)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze


We prove a version of the Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem for linear algebraic groups. Given a connected linear algebraic group G , an affine variety V and a finite map π : V G , all defined over a finitely generated field κ of characteristic zero, Theorem 1.6 provides the natural necessary and sufficient condition under which the set π ( V ( κ ) ) contains a Zariski dense sub-semigroup Γ G ( κ ) ; namely, there must exist an unramified covering p : G ˜ G and a map θ : G ˜ V such that π θ = p . In the case κ = , G = 𝔾 a is the additive group, we...

On the Cauchy problem for convolution equations


Colloquium Mathematicae


We consider one-parameter (C₀)-semigroups of operators in the space ' ( ; m ) with infinitesimal generator of the form ( G * ) | ' ( ; m ) where G is an M m × m -valued rapidly decreasing distribution on ℝⁿ. It is proved that the Petrovskiĭ condition for forward evolution ensures not only the existence and uniqueness of the above semigroup but also its nice behaviour after restriction to whichever of the function spaces ( ; m ) , L p ( ; m ) , p ∈ [1,∞], ( a ) ( ; m ) , a ∈ ]0,∞[, or the spaces L q ' ( ; m ) , q ∈ ]1,∞], of bounded distributions.

Extension operators on balls and on spaces of finite sets

Antonio Avilés, Witold Marciszewski (2015)

Studia Mathematica


We study extension operators between spaces of continuous functions on the spaces σ ( 2 X ) of subsets of X of cardinality at most n. As an application, we show that if B H is the unit ball of a nonseparable Hilbert space H equipped with the weak topology, then, for any 0 < λ < μ, there is no extension operator T : C ( λ B H ) C ( μ B H ) .

Smoothness of Green's functions and Markov-type inequalities

Leokadia Białas-Cież (2011)

Banach Center Publications


Let E be a compact set in the complex plane, g E be the Green function of the unbounded component of E with pole at infinity and M ( E ) = s u p ( | | P ' | | E ) / ( | | P | | E ) where the supremum is taken over all polynomials P | E 0 of degree at most n, and | | f | | E = s u p | f ( z ) | : z E . The paper deals with recent results concerning a connection between the smoothness of g E (existence, continuity, Hölder or Lipschitz continuity) and the growth of the sequence M ( E ) n = 1 , 2 , . . . . Some additional conditions are given for special classes of sets.

H calculus and dilatations

Andreas M. Fröhlich, Lutz Weis (2006)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We characterise the boundedness of the H calculus of a sectorial operator in terms of dilation theorems. We show e. g. that if - A generates a bounded analytic C 0 semigroup ( T t ) on a UMD space, then the H calculus of A is bounded if and only if ( T t ) has a dilation to a bounded group on L 2 ( [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) . This generalises a Hilbert space result of C.LeMerdy. If X is an L p space we can choose another L p space in place of L 2 ( [ 0 , 1 ] , X ) .

On isometrical extension properties of function spaces

Hisao Kato (2015)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this note, we prove that any “bounded” isometries of separable metric spaces can be represented as restrictions of linear isometries of function spaces C ( Q ) and C ( Δ ) , where Q and Δ denote the Hilbert cube [ 0 , 1 ] and a Cantor set, respectively.

On the range-kernel orthogonality of elementary operators

Said Bouali, Youssef Bouhafsi (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica


Let L ( H ) denote the algebra of operators on a complex infinite dimensional Hilbert space H . For A , B L ( H ) , the generalized derivation δ A , B and the elementary operator Δ A , B are defined by δ A , B ( X ) = A X - X B and Δ A , B ( X ) = A X B - X for all X L ( H ) . In this paper, we exhibit pairs ( A , B ) of operators such that the range-kernel orthogonality of δ A , B holds for the usual operator norm. We generalize some recent results. We also establish some theorems on the orthogonality of the range and the kernel of Δ A , B with respect to the wider class of unitarily invariant...

Covariance structure of wide-sense Markov processes of order k ≥ 1

Arkadiusz Kasprzyk, Władysław Szczotka (2006)

Applicationes Mathematicae


A notion of a wide-sense Markov process X t of order k ≥ 1, X t W M ( k ) , is introduced as a direct generalization of Doob’s notion of wide-sense Markov process (of order k=1 in our terminology). A base for investigation of the covariance structure of X t is the k-dimensional process x t = ( X t - k + 1 , . . . , X t ) . The covariance structure of X t W M ( k ) is considered in the general case and in the periodic case. In the general case it is shown that X t W M ( k ) iff x t is a k-dimensional WM(1) process and iff the covariance function of x t has the triangular...