Sur une axiomatique métrique de la géométrie euclidienne R. Ouzilou (1970) Publications du Département de mathématiques (Lyon)
Sur une notation utile en algèbre et en analyse Maurice D'Ocagne (1887) Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
Sviluppo Storico della Matematica nell’Impero Ottomano e durante i primi anni della Repubblica Turca Giacomo Saban (2002) Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana
Symmetry: Art and Science - 2004 Sixth Interdisciplinary Symmetry Congress and Exhibition of ISIS-Symmetry Denes Nagy, George Lugosi (2005) Visual Mathematics
Symmetry in Practice - Recreational Constructions Peter Hilton, Jean Pedersen (1999) Visual Mathematics
Symmetry In Theory - Mathematics and Aesthetics Peter Hilton, Jean Pedersen (1999) Visual Mathematics
Systems of Proportion in Design and Architecture and their Relationship to Dynamical Systems Theory Jay Kappraff (1999) Visual Mathematics