Padací most mimo provoz: Matematika na odvrácené straně kultury
This article focuses on the practical possibilities of a suitable use of parallel programming during the computational processing of heat radiation intensity optimization across the surface of an aluminium or nickel mould. In practice, an aluminium or nickel mould is first preheated by infrared heaters located above the outer mould surface. Then the inner mould surface is sprinkled with a special PVC powder and the outer mould surface is continually warmed by infrared heaters. This is an energy-efficient...
Consider contact problem with Coulomb friction on two planar domains. In order to find non-unique solutions we propose a new path following algorithm: Given a linear loading path we approximate the corresponding solution path. It consists of oriented piecewise linear branches connected by transition points. We developed a) predictor-corrector algorithm to follow oriented linear branches, b) branching and orientation indicators to detect transition points. The techniques incorporate semi-smooth Newton...
Polysystem methodology elaborated for comprehensive analysis of geographical objects considers them as interrelated systems of different types. Each systematic interpretation of a territorial object is formed as a theory describing this object with a special language used for construction of a certain type of models. This paper proposes new methods to develop geographical models and describes several types of systematic models constructed by these methods.