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Vladimir Vladimirovich Uspenskij (1963)

Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie

All Liouville Numbers are Transcendental

Artur Korniłowicz, Adam Naumowicz, Adam Grabowski (2017)

Formalized Mathematics

In this Mizar article, we complete the formalization of one of the items from Abad and Abad’s challenge list of “Top 100 Theorems” about Liouville numbers and the existence of transcendental numbers. It is item #18 from the “Formalizing 100 Theorems” list maintained by Freek Wiedijk at http://www.cs.ru.nl/F.Wiedijk/100/. Liouville numbers were introduced by Joseph Liouville in 1844 [15] as an example of an object which can be approximated “quite closely” by a sequence of rational numbers. A real...

Almost disjoint families and “never” cardinal invariants

Charles Morgan, Samuel Gomes da Silva (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We define two cardinal invariants of the continuum which arise naturally from combinatorially and topologically appealing properties of almost disjoint families of sets of the natural numbers. These are the never soft and never countably paracompact numbers. We show that these cardinals must both be equal to ω 1 under the effective weak diamond principle ( ω , ω , < ) , answering questions of da Silva S.G., On the presence of countable paracompactness, normality and property ( a ) in spaces from almost disjoint families,...

Almost disjoint families and property (a)

Paul Szeptycki, Jerry Vaughan (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider the question: when does a Ψ-space satisfy property (a)? We show that if | A | < p then the Ψ-space Ψ(A) satisfies property (a), but in some Cohen models the negation of CH holds and every uncountable Ψ-space fails to satisfy property (a). We also show that in a model of Fleissner and Miller there exists a Ψ-space of cardinality p which has property (a). We extend a theorem of Matveev relating the existence of certain closed discrete subsets with the failure of property (a).

Almost locatedness in uniform spaces

Douglas Bridges, Hajime Ishihara, Ray Mines, Fred Richman, Peter Schuster, Luminiţa Vîţă (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A weak form of the constructively important notion of locatedness is lifted from the context of a metric space to that of a uniform space. Certain fundamental results about almost located and totally bounded sets are then proved.

Almost orthogonality and Hausdorff interval topologies of atomic lattice effect algebras

Jan Paseka, Zdena Riečanová, Junde Wu (2010)


We prove that the interval topology of an Archimedean atomic lattice effect algebra E is Hausdorff whenever the set of all atoms of E is almost orthogonal. In such a case E is order continuous. If moreover E is complete then order convergence of nets of elements of E is topological and hence it coincides with convergence in the order topology and this topology is compact Hausdorff compatible with a uniformity induced by a separating function family on E corresponding to compact and cocompact elements....

Alternative model of fuzzy NTU coalitional game

Milan Mareš, Milan Vlach (2003)


One of the possible models of fuzzification of non-transferable utility (NTU) coalitional games was extensively treated in [4]. In this paper, we suggest an alternative structure of fuzzification of the NTU games, where for every coalition a fuzzy class of (generally crisp) sets of its admissible pay-off vectors is considered. It is shown that this model of a fuzzy coalitional game can be represented by a fuzzy class of deterministic NTU games, and its basic concepts like the superadditivity or...

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 5970