Displaying 541 – 560 of 5970

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Alternative set theory with elementary classes

Nando Prati (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we sketch the development and give a model of the formal version of a generalization of the Alternative Set Theory.

Altitude, Orthocenter of a Triangle and Triangulation

Roland Coghetto (2016)

Formalized Mathematics

We introduce the altitudes of a triangle (the cevians perpendicular to the opposite sides). Using the generalized Ceva’s Theorem, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the orthocenter of a triangle [7]. Finally, we formalize in Mizar [1] some formulas [2] to calculate distance using triangulation.

Amenability and Ramsey theory

Justin Tatch Moore (2013)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The purpose of this article is to connect the notion of the amenability of a discrete group with a new form of structural Ramsey theory. The Ramsey-theoretic reformulation of amenability constitutes a considerable weakening of the Følner criterion. As a by-product, it will be shown that in any non-amenable group G, there is a subset E of G such that no finitely additive probability measure on G measures all translates of E equally. The analysis of discrete groups will be generalized to the setting...

Amenability and Ramsey theory in the metric setting

Adriane Kaïchouh (2015)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Moore [Fund. Math. 220 (2013)] characterizes the amenability of the automorphism groups of countable ultrahomogeneous structures by a Ramsey-type property. We extend this result to the automorphism groups of metric Fraïssé structures, which encompass all Polish groups. As an application, we prove that amenability is a G δ condition.

Amenability and unique ergodicity of automorphism groups of Fraïssé structures

Andy Zucker (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In this paper we consider those Fraïssé classes which admit companion classes in the sense of [KPT]. We find a necessary and sufficient condition for the automorphism group of the Fraïssé limit to be amenable and apply it to prove the non-amenability of the automorphism groups of the directed graph S(3) and the boron tree structure T. Also, we provide a negative answer to the Unique Ergodicity-Generic Point problem of Angel-Kechris-Lyons [AKL]. By considering G L ( V ) , where V is the countably infinite-dimensional...

Amenability, extreme amenability, model-theoretic stability, and dependence property in integral logic

Karim Khanaki (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

This paper has three parts. First, we study and characterize amenable and extremely amenable topological semigroups in terms of invariant measures using integral logic. We prove definability of some properties of a topological semigroup such as amenability and the fixed point on compacta property. Second, we define types and develop local stability in the framework of integral logic. For a stable formula ϕ, we prove definability of all complete ϕ-types over models and deduce from this the fundamental...

Ample hierarchy

Andreas Baudisch, Amador Martin-Pizarro, Martin Ziegler (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The ample hierarchy of geometries of stables theories is strict. We generalise the construction of the free pseudospace to higher dimensions and show that the n-dimensional free pseudospace is ω-stable n-ample yet not (n+1)-ample. In particular, the free pseudospace is not 3-ample. A thorough study of forking is conducted and an explicit description of canonical bases is given.

An abstract version of Sierpiński's theorem and the algebra generated by A and CA functions

J. Cichoń, Michał Morayne (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give an abstract version of Sierpiński's theorem which says that the closure in the uniform convergence topology of the algebra spanned by the sums of lower and upper semicontinuous functions is the class of all Baire 1 functions. Later we show that a natural generalization of Sierpiński's result for the uniform closure of the space of all sums of A and CA functions is not true. Namely we show that the uniform closure of the space of all sums of A and CA functions is a proper subclass of the...

An additive decomposition of fuzzy numbers

Dug Hun Hong (2003)


Hong and Do[4] improved Mareš[7] result about additive decomposition of fuzzy quantities concerning an equivalence relation. But there still exists an open question which is the limitation to fuzzy quantities on R (the set of real numbers) with bounded supports in the presented theory. In this paper we restrict ourselves to fuzzy numbers, which are fuzzy quantities of the real line R with convex, normalized and upper semicontinuous membership function and prove this open question.

An algebraic completeness proof for Kleene's 3-valued logic

Maurizio Negri (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We introduce Kleene's 3-valued logic in a language containing, besides the Boolean connectives, a constant n for the undefined truth value, so in developing semantics we can switch from the usual treatment based on DM-algebras to the narrower class of DMF-algebras (De Morgan algebras with a single fixed point for negation). A sequent calculus for Kleene's logic is introduced and proved complete with respect to threevalent semantics. The completeness proof is based on a version of the prime ideal...

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 5970