Displaying 1621 – 1640 of 5970

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Extending analyticK-subanalytic functions

Artur Piękosz (2004)

Open Mathematics

Letg:U→ℝ (U open in ℝn) be an analytic and K-subanalytic (i. e. definable in ℝanK, whereK, the field of exponents, is any subfield ofℝ) function. Then the set of points, denoted Σ, whereg does not admit an analytic extension is K-subanalytic andg can be extended analytically to a neighbourhood of Ū.

Extending Coarse-Grained Measures

Anna De Simone, Pavel Pták (2006)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

In [4] it is proved that a measure on a finite coarse-grained space extends, as a signed measure, over the entire power algebra. In [7] this result is reproved and further improved. Both the articles [4] and [7] use the proof techniques of linear spaces (i.e. they use multiplication by real scalars). In this note we show that all the results cited above can be relatively easily obtained by the Horn-Tarski extension technique in a purely combinatorial manner. We also characterize the pure measures...

Extending o-minimal Fréchet derivatives

Andreas Fischer (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate several extension properties of Fréchet differentiable functions defined on closed sets for o-minimal expansions of real closed fields.

Extending piecewise polynomial functions in two variables

Andreas Fischer, Murray Marshall (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We study the extensibility of piecewise polynomial functions defined on closed subsets of 2 to all of 2 . The compact subsets of 2 on which every piecewise polynomial function is extensible to 2 can be characterized in terms of local quasi-convexity if they are definable in an o-minimal expansion of . Even the noncompact closed definable subsets can be characterized if semialgebraic function germs at infinity are dense in the Hardy field of definable germs. We also present a piecewise polynomial...

Extending real-valued functions in βκ

Alan Dow (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

An Open Coloring Axiom type principle is formulated for uncountable cardinals and is shown to be a consequence of the Proper Forcing Axiom. Several applications are found. We also study dense C*-embedded subspaces of ω*, showing that there can be such sets of cardinality c and that it is consistent that ω*{pis C*-embedded for some but not all p ∈ ω*.

Extending regular expressions with homomorphic replacement

Henning Bordihn, Jürgen Dassow, Markus Holzer (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We define H- and EH-expressions as extensions of regular expressions by adding homomorphic and iterated homomorphic replacement as new operations, resp. The definition is analogous to the extension given by Gruska in order to characterize context-free languages. We compare the families of languages obtained by these extensions with the families of regular, linear context-free, context-free, and EDT0L languages. Moreover, relations to language families based on patterns, multi-patterns,...

Extending Tamm's theorem

Lou van den Dries, Chris Miller (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We extend a result of M. Tamm as follows:Let f : A , A m + n , be definable in the ordered field of real numbers augmented by all real analytic functions on compact boxes and all power functions x x r : ( 0 , ) , r . Then there exists N such that for all ( a , b ) A , if y f ( a , y ) is C N in a neighborhood of b , then y f ( a , y ) is real analytic in a neighborhood of b .

Extensión de medidas difusas usando la esperanza monótona.

Manuel Jorge Bolaños Carmona, María Teresa Lamata Jiménez, Serafín Moral Callejón (1987)


The monotone expectation is defined as a functional over fuzzy measures on finite sets. The functional is based on Choquet functional over capacities and its more relevant properties are proved, including the generalization of classical mathematical expectation and Dempster's upper and lower expectations of an evidence. In second place, the monotone expectation is used to define measures of fuzzy sets. Such measures are compared with the ones based on Sugeno integral. Finally, we prove a generalization...

Extension of functions with small oscillation

Denny H. Leung, Wee-Kee Tang (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A classical theorem of Kuratowski says that every Baire one function on a G δ subspace of a Polish (= separable completely metrizable) space X can be extended to a Baire one function on X. Kechris and Louveau introduced a finer gradation of Baire one functions into small Baire classes. A Baire one function f is assigned into a class in this hierarchy depending on its oscillation index β(f). We prove a refinement of Kuratowski’s theorem: if Y is a subspace of a metric space X and f is a real-valued...

Extensional subobjects in categories of Ω -fuzzy sets

Jiří Močkoř (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Two categories 𝕊𝕖𝕥 ( Ω ) and 𝕊𝕖𝕥𝔽 ( Ω ) of fuzzy sets over an M V -algebra Ω are investigated. Full subcategories of these categories are introduced consisting of objects ( s u b ( A , δ ) , σ ) , where s u b ( A , δ ) is a subset of all extensional subobjects of an object ( A , δ ) . It is proved that all these subcategories are quasi-reflective subcategories in the corresponding categories.

Extensions of Büchi's problem: Questions of decidability for addition and kth powers

Thanases Pheidas, Xavier Vidaux (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We generalize a question of Büchi: Let R be an integral domain, C a subring and k ≥ 2 an integer. Is there an algorithm to decide the solvability in R of any given system of polynomial equations, each of which is linear in the kth powers of the unknowns, with coefficients in C? We state a number-theoretical problem, depending on k, a positive answer to which would imply a negative answer to the question for R = C = ℤ. We reduce a negative answer for k = 2 and for...

Currently displaying 1621 – 1640 of 5970