A constructive proof of equivalence of formalism of DCG's with the formalism of type 0 phrase-structure grammars.
We present a system providing a set of tools for developing natural language processing (NLP) applications such as natural language interfaces, communication aid systems, etc. This system is based on two principles: modularity of knowledge representation to ensure the portability of the system, and guided sentence composition to ensure transparency, i.e. to ensure that the produced sentences are well-formed at the lexical, syntactic, semantic and conceptual levels. We first describe the formalisms...
Étant donné l'importance que prennent les grammaires catégorielles dans le domaine de la linguistique computationnelle, il nous a semblé intéressant de dresser un panorama sur cette question. Nous espérons fournir, aux chercheurs intéressés, un matériau de base susceptible de les aider à approfondir par eux-mêmes le sujet.