Algebraic properties of pre-logics
In this article, we investigate the algebraic structures of the partial orders induced by uninorms on a bounded lattice. For a class of uninorms with the underlying drastic product or drastic sum, we first present some conditions making a bounded lattice also a lattice with respect to the order induced by such uninorms. And then we completely characterize the distributivity of the lattices obtained.
We investigate the logical systems which result from introducing the modalities L and M into the family of substructural implication logics (including relevant, linear and intuitionistic implication). Our results lead to the formulation of a uniform labelled refutation system for these logics.
The well-known Dyckoff's 1992 calculus/procedure for intuitionistic propositional logic is considered and analyzed. It is shown that the calculus is Kripke complete and the procedure in fact works in polynomial space. Then a multi-conclusion intuitionistic calculus is introduced, obtained by adding one new rule to known calculi. A simple proof of Kripke completeness and polynomial-space decidability of this calculus is given. An upper bound on the depth of a Kripke counter-model is obtained.
The polyadic algebras that arise from the algebraization of the first-order extensions of a SIC are characterized and a representation theorem is proved. Standard implicational calculi (SIC)'s were considered by H. Rasiowa [19] and include classical and intuitionistic logic and their various weakenings and fragments, the many-valued logics of Post and Łukasiewicz, modal logics that admit the rule of necessitation, BCK logic, etc.
It is shown that the axioms of the intuitionistic logic can be proved as theorems in the frames of the intuitionistic fuzzy logic.