On the existence of maps having graphs connected and dense
Rasiowa and Sikorski [5] showed that in any Boolean algebra there is an ultrafilter preserving countably many given infima. In [3] we proved an extension of this fact and gave some applications. Here, besides further remarks, we present some of these results in a more general setting.
We show that the statement CCFC = “the character of a maximal free filter of closed sets in a space is not countable” is equivalent to the Countable Multiple Choice Axiom CMC and, the axiom of choice AC is equivalent to the statement CFE = “closed filters in a space extend to maximal closed filters”. We also show that AC is equivalent to each of the assertions: “every closed filter in a space extends to a maximal closed filter with a well orderable filter base”, “for every set ,...
The author has recently shown (2014) that separable, selectively (a)-spaces cannot include closed discrete subsets of size . It follows that, assuming CH, separable selectively (a)-spaces necessarily have countable extent. However, in the same paper it is shown that the weaker hypothesis "" is not enough to ensure the countability of all closed discrete subsets of such spaces. In this paper we show that if one adds the hypothesis of local compactness, a specific effective (i.e., Borel) parametrized...
We show that the first homology group of a locally connected compact metric space is either uncountable or finitely generated. This is related to Shelah's well-known result (1988) which shows that the fundamental group of such a space satisfies a similar condition. We give an example of such a space whose fundamental group is uncountable but whose first homology is trivial, showing that our result does not follow from Shelah's. We clarify a claim made by Pawlikowski (1998) and offer a proof of the...
A considerable amount of research has been done on the notions of pseudo complement, intersection and union of fuzzy sets [1], [4], [11]. Most of this work consists of generalizations or alternatives of the basic concepts introduced by L. A. Zadeh in his famous paper [13]: generalization of the unit interval to arbitrary complete and completely distributive lattices or to Boolean algebras [2]; alternatives to union and intersection using the concept of t-norms [3], [10]; alternative complements...
The structure of the generators' set of a T-indistinguishability operator is analyzed. A suitable characterization of such generators is given. T-indistinguishability operators generated by a single fuzzy set, in the sense of the representation problem, are studied.
In this paper, we generalize the classical Hausdorff metric with t-norms and obtain its basic properties. Furthermore, for a given stationary fuzzy metric space with a t-norm without zero divisors, we propose a method for constructing a generalized Hausdorff fuzzy metric on the set of the nonempty bounded closed subsets. Finally we discuss several important properties as completeness, completion and precompactness.
The σ-ideal (v 0) is associated with the Silver forcing, see [5]. Also, it constitutes the family of all completely doughnut null sets, see [9]. We introduce segment topologies to state some resemblances of (v 0) to the family of Ramsey null sets. To describe add(v 0) we adopt a proof of Base Matrix Lemma. Consistent results are stated, too. Halbeisen’s conjecture cov(v 0) = add(v 0) is confirmed under the hypothesis t = min{cf(c), r}. The hypothesis cov(v 0) = ω 1 implies that (v 0) has the ideal...
The functor taking global elements of Boolean algebras in the topos of sheaves on a complete Boolean algebra is shown to preserve and reflect injectivity as well as completeness. This is then used to derive a result of Bell on the Boolean Ultrafilter Theorem in -valued set theory and to prove that (i) the category of complete Boolean algebras and complete homomorphisms has no non-trivial injectives, and (ii) the category of frames has no absolute retracts.
The aim of this paper is to construct an -valued category whose objects are --ordered sets. To reach the goal, first, we construct a category whose objects are --ordered sets and morphisms are order-preserving mappings (in a fuzzy sense). For the morphisms of the category we define the degree to which each morphism is an order-preserving mapping and as a result we obtain an -valued category. Further we investigate the properties of this category, namely, we observe some special objects, special...
Motivated by Leibniz’s thesis on the identity of indiscernibles, Mycielski introduced a set-theoretic axiom, here dubbed the Leibniz-Mycielski axiom LM, which asserts that for each pair of distinct sets x and y there exists an ordinal α exceeding the ranks of x and y, and a formula φ(v), such that satisfies φ(x) ∧¬ φ(y). We examine the relationship between LM and some other axioms of set theory. Our principal results are as follows: 1. In the presence of ZF, the following are equivalent: (a) LM. (b)...
We show: (i) The countable axiom of choice is equivalent to each one of the statements: (a) a pseudometric space is sequentially compact iff its metric reflection is sequentially compact, (b) a pseudometric space is complete iff its metric reflection is complete. (ii) The countable multiple choice axiom is equivalent to the statement: (a) a pseudometric space is Weierstrass-compact iff its metric reflection is Weierstrass-compact. (iii) The axiom of choice is equivalent to each one of the...