Endofunctors of set and cardinalities
In the paper the entropy of – fuzzy numbers is studied. It is shown that for a given norm function, the computation of the entropy of – fuzzy numbers reduces to using a simple formula which depends only on the spreads and shape functions of incoming numbers. In detail the entropy of –sums and –products of – fuzzy numbers is investigated. It is shown that the resulting entropy can be computed only by means of the entropy of incoming fuzzy numbers or by means of their parameters without the...
Two linear orderings are equimorphic if they can be embedded in each other. We define invariants for scattered linear orderings which classify them up to equimorphism. Essentially, these invariants are finite sequences of finite trees with ordinal labels. Also, for each ordinal α, we explicitly describe the finite set of minimal scattered equimorphism types of Hausdorff rank α. We compute the invariants of each of these minimal types..
Let T be a locally finite rooted tree and B(T) be the boundary space of T. We study locally compact subgroups of the group TH(B(T)) = ⟨Iso(T),V⟩ generated by the group Iso(T) of all isometries of B(T) and the group V of Richard Thompson. We describe orbit equivalence relations arising from actions of these groups on B(T).
Necessary and sufficient conditions under which two fuzzy sets (in the most general, poset valued setting) with the same domain have equal families of cut sets are given. The corresponding equivalence relation on the related fuzzy power set is investigated. Relationship of poset valued fuzzy sets and fuzzy sets for which the co-domain is Dedekind-MacNeille completion of that posets is deduced.
We discuss equivariance for linear liftings of measurable functions. Existence is established when a transformation group acts amenably, as e.g. the Möbius group of the projective line. Since the general proof is very simple but not explicit, we also provide a much more explicit lifting for semisimple Lie groups acting on their Furstenberg boundary, using unrestricted Fatou convergence. This setting is relevant to -cocycles for characteristic classes.
In [Fund. Math. 210 (2010), 1-46] we claimed the truth of two statements, one now known to be false and a second lacking a proof. In this "Errata" we report these matters in the interest of setting the record straight on the status of these claims.
Dopo una breve presentazione della teoria , una teoria non riduzionista ed autoreferenziale dei fondamenti della matematica proposta da Clavelli, De Giorgi, Forti e Tortorelli nel 1987, si mostra l'inconsistenza di estensioni della teoria ottenute aggiungendo forti assiomi su relazioni e operazioni (ad es. assiomi che danno la composizione di operazioni, la congiunzione di relazioni, ecc.) e/o assiomi che forniscono qualche relazione "combinatoria".
This paper deals with many valued case of modus ponens. Cases with implicative and with clausal rules are studied. Many valued modus ponens via discrete connectives is studied with implicative rules as well as with clausal rules. Some properties of discrete modus ponens operator are given.