De l'infinitésimal au local (Thèse de Doctorat d'État)
In this paper we shall give some results on irreducible deductive systems in BCK-algebras and we shall prove that the set of all deductive systems of a BCK-algebra is a Heyting algebra. As a consequence of this result we shall show that the annihilator of a deductive system is the the pseudocomplement of . These results are more general than that the similar results given by M. Kondo in [7].
Let Sq denote the set of squares, and let be the squaring function restricted to powers of n; let ⊥ denote the coprimeness relation. Let . For every integer n ≥ 2 addition and multiplication are definable in the structures ⟨ℕ; Bn,⊥⟩ and ⟨ℕ; Bn,Sq⟩; thus their elementary theories are undecidable. On the other hand, for every prime p the elementary theory of ⟨ℕ; Bp,SQp⟩ is decidable.
First we show a few well known mathematical diagonal reasonings. Then we concentrate on diagonal reasonings typical for mathematical logic.
We study diagonalization in the context of implicit proofs of [10]. We prove that at least one of the following three conjectures is true: ∙ There is a function f: 0,1* → 0,1 computable in that has circuit complexity . ∙ ≠ co . ∙ There is no p-optimal propositional proof system. We note that a variant of the statement (either ≠ co or ∩ co contains a function hard on average) seems to have a bearing on the existence of good proof complexity generators. In particular, we prove that if a minor variant...