On the homomorphisms of sum logics
The probability of the occurrence of an event pertaining to a physical system which is observed in different states determines a function from the set of states of the system to . The function is called a numerical event or multidimensional probability. When appropriately structured, sets of numerical events form so-called algebras of -probabilities. Their main feature is that they are orthomodular partially ordered sets of functions with an inherent full set of states. A classical...
The algebraic theory of quantum logics overlaps in places with certain areas of cybernetics, notably with the field of artificial intelligence (see, e. g., [19, 20]). Recently an effort has been exercised to advance with logics that possess a symmetric difference ([13, 14]) - with so called orthocomplemented difference lattices (ODLs). This paper further contributes to this effort. In [13] the author constructs an ODL that is not set-representable. This example is quite elaborate. A main result...
The set of all atoms of an atomic orthomodular lattice is said to be almost orthogonal if the set is finite for every . It is said to be strongly almost orthogonal if, for every , any sequence of atoms such that contains at most finitely many distinct elements. We study the relation and consequences of these notions. We show among others that a complete atomic orthomodular lattice is a compact topological one if and only if the set of all its atoms is almost orthogonal.
We fix a Boolean subalgebra B of an orthomodular poset P and study the mappings s:P → [0,1] which respect the ordering and the orthocomplementation in P and which are additive on B. We call such functions B-states on P. We first show that every P possesses "enough" two-valued B-states. This improves the main result in [13], where B is the centre of P. Moreover, it allows us to construct a closure-space representation of orthomodular lattices. We do this in the third section. This result may also...
A quantum logic is one of possible mathematical models for non-compatible random events. In this work we solve a problem proposed at the conference FSTA 2006. Namely, it is proved that s-maps are symmetric fuzzy relations on a set of all symmetric and idempotent binary matrices. Consequently s-maps are not antisymmetric fuzzy relations. This paper also explores other properties of s-maps, j-maps and d-maps. Specifically, it is proved that s-maps are neither reflexive, nor irreflexive, and nor transitive,...
The concept of quantale was created in 1984 to develop a framework for non-commutative spaces and quantum mechanics with a view toward non-commutative logic. The logic of quantales and its algebraic semantics manifests itself in a class of partially ordered algebras with a pair of implicational operations recently introduced as quantum B-algebras. Implicational algebras like pseudo-effect algebras, generalized BL- or MV-algebras, partially ordered groups, pseudo-BCK algebras, residuated posets,...