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L -functions of automorphic forms and combinatorics: Dyck paths

Laurent Habsieger, Emmanuel Royer (2004)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

We give a combinatorial interpretation for the positive moments of the values at the edge of the critical strip of the L -functions of modular forms of G L ( 2 ) and G L ( 3 ) . We deduce some results about the asymptotics of these moments. We extend this interpretation to the moments twisted by the eigenvalues of Hecke operators.

Labeled floor diagrams for plane curves

Sergey Fomin, Grigory Mikhalkin (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Floor diagrams are a class of weighted oriented graphs introduced by E. Brugallé and the second author. Tropical geometry arguments lead to combinatorial descriptions of (ordinary and relative) Gromov–Witten invariants of projective spaces in terms of floor diagrams and their generalizations. In a number of cases, these descriptions can be used to obtain explicit (direct or recursive) formulas for the corresponding enumerative invariants. In particular, we use this approach to enumerate rational...

Lagrange’s essay “Recherches sur la manière de former des tables des planètes d’après les seules observations”

Massimo Galuzzi (1995)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

The memoir presented by Lagrange, which this paper examines, is usually considered as an elegant, but scarcely practicable, contribution to numerical analysis. The purpose of this study is to show the significance of the novel mathematical ideas it contains, and in particular to look at this essay from the perspective of generating function theory, for which the theoretical foundations would be laid some little time later by Laplace. This excursus of Lagrange’s does indeed proffer an abundance of...

Landau’s function for one million billions

Marc Deléglise, Jean-Louis Nicolas, Paul Zimmermann (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let 𝔖 n denote the symmetric group with n letters, and g ( n ) the maximal order of an element of 𝔖 n . If the standard factorization of M into primes is M = q 1 α 1 q 2 α 2 ... q k α k , we define ( M ) to be q 1 α 1 + q 2 α 2 + ... + q k α k ; one century ago, E. Landau proved that g ( n ) = max ( M ) n M and that, when n goes to infinity, log g ( n ) n log ( n ) .There exists a basic algorithm to compute g ( n ) for 1 n N ; its running time is 𝒪 N 3 / 2 / log N and the needed memory is 𝒪 ( N ) ; it allows computing g ( n ) up to, say, one million. We describe an algorithm to calculate g ( n ) for n up to 10 15 . The main idea is to use the so-called -superchampion...

Linear differential equations and multiple zeta values. I. Zeta(2)

Michał Zakrzewski, Henryk Żołądek (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Certain generating fuctions for multiple zeta values are expressed as values at some point of solutions of linear meromorphic differential equations. We apply asymptotic expansion methods (like the WKB method and the Stokes operators) to solutions of these equations. In this way we give a new proof of the Euler formula ζ(2) = π²/6. In further papers we plan to apply this method to study some third order hypergeometric equation related to ζ(3).

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