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Parallelepipeds, nilpotent groups and Gowers norms

Bernard Host, Bryna Kra (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

In his proof of Szemerédi’s Theorem, Gowers introduced certain norms that are defined on a parallelepiped structure. A natural question is on which sets a parallelepiped structure (and thus a Gowers norm) can be defined. We focus on dimensions 2 and 3 and show when this possible, and describe a correspondence between the parallelepiped structures and nilpotent groups.

Projective bundles.

Baker, R.D., Brown, J.M.N., Ebert, G.L., Fisher, J.C. (1994)

Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin

Sur la complexité de familles d’ensembles pseudo-aléatoires

Ramachandran Balasubramanian, Cécile Dartyge, Élie Mosaki (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans cet article, on s’intéresse au problème suivant. Soient p un nombre premier, S 𝔽 p et 𝒫 { P 𝔽 p [ X ] : deg P d } . Quel est le plus grand entier k tel que pour toutes paires de sous-ensembles disjoints 𝒜 , de 𝔽 p vérifiant | 𝒜 | = k , il existe P 𝒫 tel que P ( x ) S si x 𝒜 et P ( x ) S si x   ? Ce problème correspond à l’étude de la complexité de certaines familles d’ensembles pseudo-aléatoires. Dans un premier temps, nous rappelons la définition de cette complexité et resituons le contexte des ensembles pseudo-aléatoires. Ensuite, nous exposons les différents...

The (16,6,2) designs.

Assmus, E.F.jun., Salwach, Chester J. (1979)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

The difference matrices of the classes of a Sharma-Kaushik partition

Bhu Dev Sharma, Norris Sookoo (2004)

Archivum Mathematicum

Sharma-Kaushik partitions have been used to define distances between vectors with n -coordinates. In this paper, “difference matrices” for the partitioning classes have been introduced and investigated. It has been shown that the difference matrices are circulant and that the entries of a product of matrices is an extended intersection number of a distance scheme. The sum of the entries of each row or columns of the product matrix has been obtained. The algebra of matrices generated by the difference...

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