Displaying 641 – 660 of 3894

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Complex calculus of variations

Michel Gondran, Rita Hoblos Saade (2003)


In this article, we present a detailed study of the complex calculus of variations introduced in [M. Gondran: Calcul des variations complexe et solutions explicites d’équations d’Hamilton–Jacobi complexes. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris 2001, t. 332, série I]. This calculus is analogous to the conventional calculus of variations, but is applied here to 𝐂 n functions in 𝐂 . It is based on new concepts involving the minimum and convexity of a complex function. Such an approach allows us to propose explicit solutions...

Complicated BE-algebras and characterizations of ideals

Yılmaz Çeven, Zekiye Çiloğlu (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In this paper, using the notion of upper sets, we introduced the notions of complicated BE-Algebras and gave some related properties on complicated, self-distributive and commutative BE-algebras. In a self-distributive and complicated BE-algebra, characterizations of ideals are obtained.

Conditional states and joint distributions on MV-algebras

Martin Kalina, Oľga Nánásiová (2006)


In this paper we construct conditional states on semi-simple MV-algebras. We show that these conditional states are not given uniquely. By using them we construct the joint probability distributions and discuss the properties of these distributions. We show that the independence is not symmetric.

Conditions for strong Morita equivalence of partially ordered semigroups

Lauri Tart (2011)

Open Mathematics

We investigate when a partially ordered semigroup (with various types of local units) is strongly Morita equivalent to a posemigroup from a given class of partially ordered semigroups. Necessary and sufficient conditions for such equivalence are obtained for a series of well-known classes of posemigroups. A number of sufficient conditions for several classes of naturally ordered posemigroups are also provided.

Conditions under which the least compactification of a regular continuous frame is perfect

Dharmanand Baboolal (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We characterize those regular continuous frames for which the least compactification is a perfect compactification. Perfect compactifications are those compactifications of frames for which the right adjoint of the compactification map preserves disjoint binary joins. Essential to our characterization is the construction of the frame analog of the two-point compactification of a locally compact Hausdorff space, and the concept of remainder in a frame compactification. Indeed, one of the characterizations...

Congruence classes in Brouwerian semilattices

Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger (2001)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

Brouwerian semilattices are meet-semilattices with 1 in which every element a has a relative pseudocomplement with respect to every element b, i. e. a greatest element c with a∧c ≤ b. Properties of classes of reflexive and compatible binary relations, especially of congruences of such algebras are described and an abstract characterization of congruence classes via ideals is obtained.

Currently displaying 641 – 660 of 3894