Displaying 61 – 80 of 106

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Equivalent fuzzy sets

Branimir Šešelja, Andreja Tepavčević (2005)


Necessary and sufficient conditions under which two fuzzy sets (in the most general, poset valued setting) with the same domain have equal families of cut sets are given. The corresponding equivalence relation on the related fuzzy power set is investigated. Relationship of poset valued fuzzy sets and fuzzy sets for which the co-domain is Dedekind-MacNeille completion of that posets is deduced.

Essential Arity Gap of Boolean Functions

Shtrakov, Slavcho (2008)

Serdica Journal of Computing

In this paper we investigate the Boolean functions with maximum essential arity gap. Additionally we propose a simpler proof of an important theorem proved by M. Couceiro and E. Lehtonen in [3]. They use Zhegalkin’s polynomials as normal forms for Boolean functions and describe the functions with essential arity gap equals 2. We use to instead Full Conjunctive Normal Forms of these polynomials which allows us to simplify the proofs and to obtain several combinatorial results concerning the Boolean functions...

Étude des jets de Demailly-Semple en dimension 3

Erwan Rousseau (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Dans cet article nous faisons l’étude algébrique des jets de Demailly-Semple en dimension 3 en utilisant la théorie des invariants des groupes non réductifs. Cette étude fournit la caractérisation géométrique du fibré des jets d’ordre 3 sur une variété de dimension 3 et permet d’effectuer, par Riemann-Roch, un calcul de caractéristique d’Euler.

Étude des tresses de Gutmann en algèbre à P valeurs

Y. Kergall (1974)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

La notion de tresse de Gutmann a été introduite ([4]) pour généraliser la notion de chaîne de Gutmann qui restait souvent assez loin du protocole observé. Les tresses de Gutmann ont été étudiées ([3], [4], [6]) en considérant que les réponses au questionnaire étaient dichotomiques. Nous supposons ici que les réponses aux questions appartiennent à un ensemble fini totalement ordonné quelconque.

Every braid admits a short sigma-definite expression

Jean Fromentin (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

A result by Dehornoy (1992) says that every nontrivial braid admits a σ -definite expression, defined as a braid word in which the generator σ i with maximal index i appears with exponents that are all positive, or all negative. This is the ground result for ordering braids. In this paper, we enhance this result and prove that every braid admits a σ -definite word expression that, in addition, is quasi-geodesic. This establishes a longstanding conjecture. Our proof uses the dual braid monoid and a new...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 106