Corrections à l'article "ordres C.A.C.", Fundamenta Mathematicae 79 (1973), pp. 11-22
The concept of covering energy of a poset is known and its McClelland type bounds are available in the literature. In this paper, we establish formulas for the covering energy of a crown with elements and a fence with elements. A lower bound for the largest eigenvalue of a poset is established. Using this lower bound, we improve the McClelland type bounds for the covering energy for some special classes of posets.
G. Szász, J. Szendrei, K. Iseki and J. Nieminen have made an extensive study of derivations and translations on lattices. In this paper, the concepts of meet-translations and derivations have been studied in trellises (also called weakly associative lattices or WA-lattices) and several results in lattices are extended to trellises. The main theorem of this paper, namely, that every derivatrion of a trellis is a meet-translation, is proved without using associativity and it generalizes a well-known...
Here, we present determinants of some square matrices of field elements. First, the determinat of 2 * 2 matrix is shown. Secondly, the determinants of zero matrix and unit matrix are shown, which are equal to 0 in the field and 1 in the field respectively. Thirdly, the determinant of diagonal matrix is shown, which is a product of all diagonal elements of the matrix. At the end, we prove that the determinant of a matrix is the same as the determinant of its transpose.
In this paper we generalize a result of Libkin concerning direct product decompositions of lattices.
Dans cet article nous faisons l’étude algébrique des jets de Demailly-Semple en dimension 3 en utilisant la théorie des invariants des groupes non réductifs. Cette étude fournit la caractérisation géométrique du fibré des jets d’ordre 3 sur une variété de dimension 3 et permet d’effectuer, par Riemann-Roch, un calcul de caractéristique d’Euler.