On the lattice automorphisms of certain simple algebraic groups Mauro Costantini (1993) Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
On the lattice automorphisms of S L ( n , q ) and P S L ( n , q ) Helmut Völklein (1986) Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova
On the modularity of the lattice of fundamental orders on a semilattice. S.M. Goberstein (1982) Semigroup forum
On the representation of lattices by subsemigroup lattices of bands. V.B. Repnitskii (1995) Semigroup forum
On the subsemilattices of first-order definable and openly first-order definable congruences of the congruence lattice of a universal algebra. Pinus, A.G. (2006) Sibirskij Matematicheskij Zhurnal
On the surjectivity of the Ribenboim representation of a lattice ordered group. Josep Grané Manlleu (1980) Stochastica
On varieties of regular * -semigroups, II Bedřich Pondělíček (1991) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
On weak direct product decompositions of lattices and graphs Ján Jakubík (1985) Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal