Sequential convergences on -algebras
T. Almada and J. Vaz de Carvalho (2001) stated the problem to investigate if these Łukasiewicz algebras are algebras of some logic system. In this article an affirmative answer is given and the -propositional calculus, denoted by , is introduced in terms of the binary connectives (implication), (standard implication), (conjunction), (disjunction) and the unary ones (negation) and , (generalized Moisil operators). It is proved that belongs to the class of standard systems of implicative...
A rotational lattice is a structure where is a lattice and is a lattice automorphism of finite order. We describe the subdirectly irreducible distributive rotational lattices. Using Jónsson’s lemma, this leads to a description of all varieties of distributive rotational lattices.
The notion of an Almost Distributive Lattice (abbreviated as ADL) was introduced by U. M. Swamy and G. C. Rao [6] as a common abstraction of several lattice theoretic and ring theoretic generalization of Boolean algebras and Boolean rings. In this paper, we introduce the concept of weak pseudo-complementation on ADL’s and discuss several properties of this.
In a 0-distributive lattice sufficient conditions for an -ideal to be an annihilator ideal and prime ideal to be an -ideal are given. Also it is proved that the images and the inverse images of -ideals are -ideals under annihilator preserving homomorphisms.
The concept of -ideals is introduced in a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice and some properties of these ideals are studied. Stone lattices are characterized in terms of -ideals. A set of equivalent conditions is obtained to characterize a Boolean algebra in terms of -ideals. Finally, some properties of -ideals are studied with respect to homomorphisms and filter congruences.