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S V -Rings and S V -Porings

Niels Schwartz (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

S V -rings are commutative rings whose factor rings modulo prime ideals are valuation rings. S V -rings occur most naturally in connection with partially ordered rings (= porings) and have been studied only in this context so far. The present note first develops the theory of S V -rings systematically, without assuming the presence of a partial order. Particular attention is paid to the question of axiomatizability (in the sense of model theory). Partially ordered S V -rings ( S V -porings) are introduced, and...

Sobre las isometrías de los grupos y anillos reticulados.

Josep Grané Manlleu (1980)


El contenido de este trabajo tiene un objetivo fundamental: el estudio, clasificación y caracterización de las isometrías de un grupo reticulado. Se introducen los conceptos de grupo de isometrías M(G) de un grupo reticulado G, grupo de simetrías homogéneas H(G) y traslaciones T(G). Se estudia primero el caso elemental de los grupos totalmente ordenados y utilizando luego las representaciones de los grupos (y f-anillos) en un producto de totalmente ordenados, se introduce el concepto de conjunto...

Some comments and examples on generation of (hyper-)archimedean -groups and f -rings

A. W. Hager, D. G. Johnson (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

This paper systematizes some theory concerning the generation of -groups and reduced f -rings from substructures. We are particularly concerned with archimedean and hyperarchimedean groups and rings. We discuss the process of adjoining a weak order unit to an -group, or an identity to an f -ring and find significant contrasts between these cases. In -groups, hyperarchimedeanness and similar properties fail to pass from generating structures to the structures that they generate, as illustrated by...

Spaces X in which all prime z -ideals of C ( X ) are minimal or maximal

Melvin Henriksen, Jorge Martinez, Grant R. Woods (2003)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Quasi P -spaces are defined to be those Tychonoff spaces X such that each prime z -ideal of C ( X ) is either minimal or maximal. This article is devoted to a systematic study of these spaces, which are an obvious generalization of P -spaces. The compact quasi P -spaces are characterized as the compact spaces which are scattered and of Cantor-Bendixson index no greater than 2. A thorough account of locally compact quasi P -spaces is given. If X is a cozero-complemented space and every nowhere dense zeroset...

Subgroups and hulls of Specker lattice-ordered groups

Paul F. Conrad, Michael R. Darnel (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this article, it will be shown that every -subgroup of a Specker -group has singular elements and that the class of -groups that are -subgroups of Specker -group form a torsion class. Methods of adjoining units and bases to Specker -groups are then studied with respect to the generalized Boolean algebra of singular elements, as is the strongly projectable hull of a Specker -group.

SV and related f -rings and spaces

Suzanne Larson (2010)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

An f -ring A is an SV f -ring if for every minimal prime -ideal P of A , A / P is a valuation domain. A topological space X is an SV space if C ( X ) is an SV f -ring. SV f -rings and spaces were introduced in [HW1], [HW2]. Since then a number of articles on SV f -rings and spaces and on related f -rings and spaces have appeared. This article surveys what is known about these f -rings and spaces and introduces a number of new results that help to clarify the relationship between SV f -rings and spaces and related...

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