Pointwise and global sums and negatives of binary relations.
We consider the question of which loops are capable of expressing arbitrary Boolean functions through expressions of constants and variables. We call this property Boolean completeness. It is a generalization of functional completeness, and is intimately connected to the computational complexity of various questions about expressions, circuits, and equations defined over the loop. We say that a loop is polyabelian if it is an iterated affine quasidirect product of Abelian groups; polyabelianness...
he class of all M-solid varieties of a given type t forms a complete sublattice of the lattice ℒ(τ) of all varieties of algebrasof type t. This gives a tool for a better description of the lattice ℒ(τ) by characterization of complete sublattices. In particular, this was done for varieties of semigroups by L. Polák ([10]) as well as by Denecke and Koppitz ([4], [5]). Denecke and Hounnon characterized M-solid varieties of semirings ([3]) and M-solid varieties of groups were characterized by Koppitz...
We study several choice principles for systems of finite character and prove their equivalence to the Prime Ideal Theorem in ZF set theory without Axiom of Choice, among them the Intersection Lemma (stating that if is a system of finite character then so is the system of all collections of finite subsets of meeting a common member of ), the Finite Cutset Lemma (a finitary version of the Teichm“uller-Tukey Lemma), and various compactness theorems. Several implications between these statements...