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𝒯 -semiring pairs

Jaiung Jun, Kalina Mincheva, Louis Rowen (2022)


We develop a general axiomatic theory of algebraic pairs, which simultaneously generalizes several algebraic structures, in order to bypass negation as much as feasible. We investigate several classical theorems and notions in this setting including fractions, integral extensions, and Hilbert's Nullstellensatz. Finally, we study a notion of growth in this context.

A principal topology obtained from uninorms

Funda Karaçal, Tuncay Köroğlu (2022)


We obtain a principal topology and some related results. We also give some hints of possible applications. Some mathematical systems are both lattice and topological space. We show that a topology defined on the any bounded lattice is definable in terms of uninorms. Also, we see that these topologies satisfy the condition of the principal topology. These topologies can not be metrizable except for the discrete metric case. We show an equivalence relation on the class of uninorms on a bounded lattice...

An investigation on the n -fold IVRL-filters in triangle algebras

Saeide Zahiri, Arsham Borumand Saeid (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

The present study aimed to introduce n -fold interval valued residuated lattice (IVRL for short) filters in triangle algebras. Initially, the notions of n -fold (positive) implicative IVRL-extended filters and n -fold (positive) implicative triangle algebras were defined. Afterwards, several characterizations of the algebras were presented, and the correlations between the n -fold IVRL-extended filters, n -fold (positive) implicative algebras, and the Gödel triangle algebra were discussed.

Characterizing matrices with 𝐗 -simple image eigenspace in max-min semiring

Ján Plavka, Sergeĭ Sergeev (2016)


A matrix A is said to have 𝐗 -simple image eigenspace if any eigenvector x belonging to the interval 𝐗 = { x : x ̲ x x ¯ } is the unique solution of the system A y = x in 𝐗 . The main result of this paper is a combinatorial characterization of such matrices in the linear algebra over max-min (fuzzy) semiring. The characterized property is related to and motivated by the general development of tropical linear algebra and interval analysis, as well as the notions of simple image set and weak robustness (or weak stability) that...

Computing the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of a matrix in max-min algebra

Ján Plavka (2016)


A vector x is said to be an eigenvector of a square max-min matrix A if A x = x . An eigenvector x of A is called the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of A if x 𝐗 = { x ; x ̲ x x ¯ } and y x for each eigenvector y 𝐗 . A max-min matrix A is called strongly 𝐗 -robust if the orbit x , A x , A 2 x , reaches the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector with any starting vector of 𝐗 . We suggest an O ( n 3 ) algorithm for computing the greatest 𝐗 -eigenvector of A and study the strong 𝐗 -robustness. The necessary and sufficient conditions for strong 𝐗 -robustness are introduced and an efficient...

Conditional distributivity of overlap functions over uninorms with continuous underlying operators

Hui Liu, Wenle Li (2024)


The investigations of conditional distributivity are encouraged by distributive logical connectives and their generalizations used in fuzzy set theory and were brought into focus by Klement in the closing session of Linzs 2000. This paper is mainly devoted to characterizing all pairs ( O , F ) of aggregation functions that are satisfying conditional distributivity laws, where O is an overlap function, and F is a continuous t-conorm or a uninorm with continuous underlying operators.

Congruences and homomorphisms on Ω -algebras

Elijah Eghosa Edeghagba, Branimir Šešelja, Andreja Tepavčević (2017)


The topic of the paper are Ω -algebras, where Ω is a complete lattice. In this research we deal with congruences and homomorphisms. An Ω -algebra is a classical algebra which is not assumed to satisfy particular identities and it is equipped with an Ω -valued equality instead of the ordinary one. Identities are satisfied as lattice theoretic formulas. We introduce Ω -valued congruences, corresponding quotient Ω -algebras and Ω -homomorphisms and we investigate connections among these notions. We prove...

Controllable and tolerable generalized eigenvectors of interval max-plus matrices

Matej Gazda, Ján Plavka (2021)


By max-plus algebra we mean the set of reals equipped with the operations a b = max { a , b } and a b = a + b for a , b . A vector x is said to be a generalized eigenvector of max-plus matrices A , B ( m , n ) if A x = λ B x for some λ . The investigation of properties of generalized eigenvectors is important for the applications. The values of vector or matrix inputs in practice are usually not exact numbers and they can be rather considered as values in some intervals. In this paper the properties of matrices and vectors with inexact (interval) entries...

Eigenspace of a circulant max–min matrix

Martin Gavalec, Hana Tomášková (2010)


The eigenproblem of a circulant matrix in max-min algebra is investigated. Complete characterization of the eigenspace structure of a circulant matrix is given by describing all possible types of eigenvectors in detail.

Foldness of Commutative Ideals in BCK-algebras

Celestin Lele, Salissou Moutari (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

This paper deals with some properties of n-fold commutative ideals and n-fold weak commutative ideals in BCK-algebras. Afterwards, we construct some algorithms for studying foldness theory of commutative ideals in BCK-algebras.

Fuzzy data in statistics

Milan Mareš (2007)


The development of effective methods of data processing belongs to important challenges of modern applied mathematics and theoretical information science. If the natural uncertainty of the data means their vagueness, then the theory of fuzzy quantities offers relatively strong tools for their treatment. These tools differ from the statistical methods and this difference is not only justifiable but also admissible. This relatively brief paper aims to summarize the main fuzzy approaches to vague data...

Generated fuzzy implications and fuzzy preference structures

Vladislav Biba, Dana Hliněná (2012)


The notion of a construction of a fuzzy preference structures is introduced. The properties of a certain class of generated fuzzy implications are studied. The main topic in this paper is investigation of the construction of the monotone generator triplet ( p , i , j ) , which is the producer of fuzzy preference structures. Some properties of mentioned monotone generator triplet are investigated.

Generating methods for principal topologies on bounded lattices

Funda Karaçal, Ümit Ertuğrul, M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu (2021)


In this paper, some generating methods for principal topology are introduced by means of some logical operators such as uninorms and triangular norms and their properties are investigated. Defining a pre-order obtained from the closure operator, the properties of the pre-order are studied.

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