Äquivalenz- und Ordnungsrelationen
A tolerance on an algebra is defined similarly to a congruence, only the requirement of transitivity is omitted. The paper studies a special type of tolerance, namely atomary tolerances. They exist on every finite algebra.
Quasigroups were originally described combinatorially, in terms of existence and uniqueness conditions on the solutions to certain equations. Evans introduced a universal-algebraic characterization, as algebras with three binary operations satisfying four identities. Now, quasigroups are redefined as heterogeneous algebras, satisfying just two conditions respectively known as hypercommutativity and hypercancellativity.
In 1978, Courcelle asked for a complete set of axioms and rules for the equational theory of (discrete regular) words equipped with the operations of product, omega power and omega-op power. In this paper we find a simple set of equations and prove they are complete. Moreover, we show that the equational theory is decidable in polynomial time.
In 1978, Courcelle asked for a complete set of axioms and rules for the equational theory of (discrete regular) words equipped with the operations of product, omega power and omega-op power. In this paper we find a simple set of equations and prove they are complete. Moreover, we show that the equational theory is decidable in polynomial time.
Let V be a variety with two distinct nullary operations 0 and 1. An algebra 𝔄 ∈ V is called balanced if for each Φ,Ψ ∈ Con(𝔄), we have [0]Φ = [0]Ψ if and only if [1]Φ = [1]Ψ. The variety V is called balanced if every 𝔄 ∈ V is balanced. In this paper, balanced varieties are characterized by a Mal'cev condition (Theorem 3). Furthermore, some special results are given for varieties of bounded lattices.
We characterize d-lattices as those bounded lattices in which every maximal filter/ideal is prime, and we show that a d-lattice is complemented iff it is balanced iff all prime filters/ideals are maximal.