On the nonvanishing of Fermat quotients (mod p).
We show that there exist infinitely many positive integers r not of the form (p-1)/2 - ϕ(p-1), thus providing an affirmative answer to a question of Neville Robbins.
Let ℤ be the set of integers, and let (m,n) be the greatest common divisor of integers m and n. Let p be a prime of the form 4k+1 and p = c²+d² with c,d ∈ ℤ, and c ≡ d₀ ≡ 1 (mod 4). In the paper we determine for p = x²+(b²+4α)y² (b,x,y ∈ ℤ, 2∤b), and for p = x²+(4a²+1)y² (a,x,y∈ℤ) on the condition that (c,x+d) = 1 or (d₀,x+c) = 1. As applications we obtain the congruence for and the criterion for (if p ≡ 1 (mod 8)), where Uₙ is the Lucas sequence given by U₀ = 0, U₁ = 1 and , and b ≢...
For any two positive integers and , let be a digraph whose set of vertices is and such that there is a directed edge from a vertex to a vertex if . Let be the prime factorization of . Let be the set of all primes dividing and let be such that and . A fundamental constituent of , denoted by , is a subdigraph of induced on the set of vertices which are multiples of and are relatively prime to all primes . L. Somer and M. Křížek proved that the trees attached to all cycle...
We prove two supercongruences involving Almkvist-Zudilin sequences, which were originally conjectured by Z.-H. Sun (2020).