Séries formelles et théorie des automates.
We display several infinite products with interesting continued fraction expansions. Specifically, for various small values of necessarily excluding since that case cannot occur, we display infinite products in the field of formal power series whose truncations yield their every -th convergent.
Let [0;a₁(x),a₂(x),…] be the regular continued fraction expansion of an irrational x ∈ [0,1]. We prove mainly that, for α > 0, β ≥ 0 and for almost all x ∈ [0,1], if α < 1 and β ≥ 0, if α = 1 and β < 1, and, if α > 1 or α = 1 and β >1, , , where if and otherwise, for all i ∈ 1,…,n.