Einheitenberechnung in kubischen Körpern mittels des Jacobi-Perronschen Algorithmus aus der Rechenanlage.
We show that for a fixed integer n ≠ ±2, the congruence x² + nx ± 1 ≡ 0 (mod α) has the solution β with 0 < β < α if and only if α/β has a continued fraction expansion with sequence of quotients having one of a finite number of possible asymmetry types. This generalizes the old theorem that a rational number α/β > 1 in lowest terms has a symmetric continued fraction precisely when β² ≡ ±1(mod α ).
We associate with a word on a finite alphabet an episturmian (or Arnoux-Rauzy) morphism and a palindrome. We study their relations with the similar ones for the reversal of . Then when we deduce, using the sturmian words that are the fixed points of the two morphisms, a proof of a Galois theorem on purely periodic continued fractions whose periods are the reversal of each other.
We associate with a word w on a finite alphabet A an episturmian (or Arnoux-Rauzy) morphism and a palindrome. We study their relations with the similar ones for the reversal of w. Then when |A|=2 we deduce, using the Sturmian words that are the fixed points of the two morphisms, a proof of a Galois theorem on purely periodic continued fractions whose periods are the reversal of each other.
Let = [0,1) be the additive group of real numbers modulo 1, α ∈ be an irrational number and t ∈ . We study ergodicity of skew product extensions T : × ℤ² → × ℤ², .