Some computational formulas for -Nörlund numbers.
Binomial coefficients and central trinomial coefficients play important roles in combinatorics. Let p > 3 be a prime. We show that , where the central trinomial coefficient Tₙ is the constant term in the expansion of . We also prove three congruences modulo p³ conjectured by Sun, one of which is . In addition, we get some new combinatorial identities.
We present some extensions of Chu's formulas and several striking generalizations of some well-known combinatorial identities. As applications, some new identities on binomial sums, harmonic numbers, and the generalized harmonic numbers are also derived.
Euler's pentagonal number theorem was a spectacular achievement at the time of its discovery, and is still considered to be a beautiful result in number theory and combinatorics. In this paper, we obtain three new finite generalizations of Euler's pentagonal number theorem.
We derive several new transformations relating WP-Bailey pairs. We also consider the corresponding transformations relating standard Bailey pairs, and as a consequence, derive some quite general expansions for products of theta functions which can also be expressed as certain types of Lambert series.
We establish q-analogs for four congruences involving central binomial coefficients. The q-identities necessary for this purpose are shown via the q-WZ method.
For any odd prime p we obtain q-analogues of van Hamme’s and Rodriguez-Villegas’ supercongruences involving products of three binomial coefficients such as for p≡ 3 (mod 4), for p≡ 2 (mod 3), where and . We also prove q-analogues of the Sun brothers’ generalizations of the above supercongruences. Our proofs are elementary in nature and use the theory of basic hypergeometric series and combinatorial q-binomial identities including a new q-Clausen type summation formula.
We prove a conjecture on supercongruences for sequences that have come to be known as the Almkvist-Zudilin numbers. Some other (naturally) related family of sequences will be considered in a similar vain.