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Digital expansion of exponential sequences

Michael Fuchs (2002)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We consider the q -ary digital expansion of the first N terms of an exponential sequence a n . Using a result due to Kiss and Tichy [8], we prove that the average number of occurrences of an arbitrary digital block in the last c log N digits is asymptotically equal to the expected value. Under stronger assumptions we get a similar result for the first ( log N ) 3 2 - ϵ digits, where ϵ is a positive constant. In both methods, we use estimations of exponential sums and the concept of discrepancy of real sequences modulo 1 ...

Distributional properties of powers of matrices

Fernando Chamizo, Dulcinea Raboso (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We apply the larger sieve to bound the number of 2 × 2 matrices not having large order when reduced modulo the primes in an interval. Our motivation is the relation with linear recursive congruential generators. Basically our results establish that the probability of finding a matrix with large order modulo many primes drops drastically when a certain threshold involving the number of primes and the order is exceeded. We also study, for a given prime and a matrix, the existence of nearby non-similar...

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