On a multiplicative partition function.
Let denote the number of partitions of into parts, each of which is at least . By applying the saddle point method to the generating series, an asymptotic estimate is given for , which holds for , and .
We present various results on the number of prime factors of the parts of a partition of an integer. We study the parity of this number, the extremal orders and we prove a Hardy-Ramanujan type theorem. These results show that for almost all partitions of an integer the sequence of the parts satisfies similar arithmetic properties as the sequence of natural numbers.
A partition of a positive integer n is a nonincreasing sequence of positive integers with sum Here we define a special class of partitions. 1. Let be a positive integer. Any partition of n whose Ferrers graph have no hook numbers divisible by t is known as a t- core partitionof The hooks are important in the representation theory of finite symmetric groups and the theory of cranks associated with Ramanujan’s congruences for the ordinary partition function [3,4,6]. If and , then we define...
Introduction. The problem of determining the formula for , the number of partitions of an integer into elements of a finite set S, that is, the number of solutions in non-negative integers, , of the equation hs₁ s₁ + ... + hsk sk = n, was solved in the nineteenth century (see Sylvester [4] and Glaisher [3] for detailed accounts). The solution is the coefficient of[(1-xs₁)... (1-xsk)]-1, expressions for which they derived. Wright [5] indicated a simpler method by which to find part of the solution...