Pathological maximal R-sequences in quasilocal domains
1. Let R be a domain and f ∈ R[X] a polynomial. A k-tuple of distinct elements of R is called a cycle of f if for i=0,1,...,k-2 and . The number k is called the length of the cycle. A tuple is a cycle in R if it is a cycle for some f ∈ R[X]. It has been shown in [1] that if R is the ring of all algebraic integers in a finite extension K of the rationals, then the possible lengths of cycles of R-polynomials are bounded by the number , depending only on the degree N of K. In this note we consider...
All rings considered are commutative with unit. A ring R is SISI (in Vámos' terminology) if every subdirectly irreducible factor ring R/I is self-injective. SISI rings include Noetherian rings, Morita rings and almost maximal valuation rings ([V1]). In [F3] we raised the question of whether a polynomial ring R[x] over a SISI ring R is again SISI. In this paper we show this is not the case.
The notion of a closed polynomial over a field of zero characteristic was introduced by Nowicki and Nagata. In this paper we discuss possible ways to define an analog of this notion over fields of positive characteristic. We are mostly interested in conditions of maximality of the algebra generated by a polynomial in a respective family of rings. We also present a modification of the condition of integral closure and discuss a condition involving partial derivatives.