Some properties of direct sums of uniserial modules over valuation domains
We provide several characterizations and investigate properties of Prüfer modules. In fact, we study the connections of such modules with their endomorphism rings. We also prove that for any Prüfer module M, the forcing linearity number of M, fln(M), belongs to {0,1}.
In this paper we introduce the class of strongly rectifiable and S-homogeneous modules. We study basic properties of these modules, of their pure and refined submodules, of Hill's modules and we also prove an extension of the second Prüfer's theorem.
Nous caractérisons les extensions triviales semiGoldie, de cogénération finie, mininjectives et quasi-Frobeniusiens. Comme application, nous montrons que tout anneau noethérien s’injecte dans un anneau quasi-Frobeniusien.
In this paper the concept of the second submodule (the dual notion of prime submodule) is introduced.
Let be an ideal in a commutative Noetherian ring . Then the ideal has the strong persistence property if and only if for all , and has the symbolic strong persistence property if and only if for all , where denotes the th symbolic power of . We study the strong persistence property for some classes of monomial ideals. In particular, we present a family of primary monomial ideals failing the strong persistence property. Finally, we show that every square-free monomial ideal has the...
In this paper we characterize weak multiplication modules.
Let R be the pullback, in the sense of Levy [J. Algebra 71 (1981)], of two local Dedekind domains. We classify all those indecomposable weak multiplication R-modules M with finite-dimensional top, that is, such that M/Rad(R)M is finite-dimensional over R/Rad(R). We also establish a connection between the weak multiplication modules and the pure-injective modules over such domains.