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On co-Gorenstein modules, minimal flat resolutions and dual Bass numbers

Zahra Heidarian, Hossein Zakeri (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The dual of a Gorenstein module is called a co-Gorenstein module, defined by Lingguang Li. In this paper, we prove that if R is a local U-ring and M is an Artinian R-module, then M is a co-Gorenstein R-module if and only if the complex H o m R ̂ ( ( , R ̂ ) , M ) is a minimal flat resolution for M when we choose a suitable triangular subset on R̂. Moreover we characterize the co-Gorenstein modules over a local U-ring and Cohen-Macaulay local U-ring.

On Cohen-Macaulay rings

Edgar E. Enochs, Jenda M. G. Overtoun (1994)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper, we use a characterization of R -modules N such that f d R N = p d R N to characterize Cohen-Macaulay rings in terms of various dimensions. This is done by setting N to be the d t h local cohomology functor of R with respect to the maximal ideal where d is the Krull dimension of R .

On the endomorphism ring and Cohen-Macaulayness of local cohomology defined by a pair of ideals

Thiago H. Freitas, Victor H. Jorge Pérez (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let 𝔞 , I , J be ideals of a Noetherian local ring ( R , 𝔪 , k ) . Let M and N be finitely generated R -modules. We give a generalized version of the Duality Theorem for Cohen-Macaulay rings using local cohomology defined by a pair of ideals. We study the behavior of the endomorphism rings of H I , J t ( M ) and D ( H I , J t ( M ) ) , where t is the smallest integer such that the local cohomology with respect to a pair of ideals is nonzero and D ( - ) : = Hom R ( - , E R ( k ) ) is the Matlis dual functor. We show that if R is a d -dimensional complete Cohen-Macaulay ring and H I , J i ( R ) = 0 ...

On the invariance of certain types of generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules under Foxby equivalence

Kosar Abolfath Beigi, Kamran Divaani-Aazar, Massoud Tousi (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a local ring and C a semidualizing module of R . We investigate the behavior of certain classes of generalized Cohen-Macaulay R -modules under the Foxby equivalence between the Auslander and Bass classes with respect to C . In particular, we show that generalized Cohen-Macaulay R -modules are invariant under this equivalence and if M is a finitely generated R -module in the Auslander class with respect to C such that C R M is surjective Buchsbaum, then M is also surjective Buchsbaum.

On the Noether exponent

Anna Stasica (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We obtain, in a simple way, an estimate for the Noether exponent of an ideal I without embedded components (i.e. we estimate the smallest number μ such that ( r a d I ) μ I ).

On the structure of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay bigraded modules

Leila Parsaei Majd, Ahad Rahimi (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let K be a field and S = K [ x 1 , ... , x m , y 1 , ... , y n ] be the standard bigraded polynomial ring over K . In this paper, we explicitly describe the structure of finitely generated bigraded “sequentially Cohen-Macaulay” S -modules with respect to Q = ( y 1 , ... , y n ) . Next, we give a characterization of sequentially Cohen-Macaulay modules with respect to Q in terms of local cohomology modules. Cohen-Macaulay modules that are sequentially Cohen-Macaulay with respect to Q are considered.

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