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S -depth on Z D -modules and local cohomology

Morteza Lotfi Parsa (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a Noetherian ring, and I and J be two ideals of R . Let S be a Serre subcategory of the category of R -modules satisfying the condition C I and M be a Z D -module. As a generalization of the S - depth ( I , M ) and depth ( I , J , M ) , the S - depth of ( I , J ) on M is defined as S - depth ( I , J , M ) = inf { S - depth ( 𝔞 , M ) : 𝔞 W ˜ ( I , J ) } , and some properties of this concept are investigated. The relations between S - depth ( I , J , M ) and H I , J i ( M ) are studied, and it is proved that S - depth ( I , J , M ) = inf { i : H I , J i ( M ) S } , where S is a Serre subcategory closed under taking injective hulls. Some conditions are provided that local cohomology modules with...

Some homological properties of amalgamated modules along an ideal

Hanieh Shoar, Maryam Salimi, Abolfazl Tehranian, Hamid Rasouli, Elham Tavasoli (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R and S be commutative rings with identity, J be an ideal of S , f : R S be a ring homomorphism, M be an R -module, N be an S -module, and let ϕ : M N be an R -homomorphism. The amalgamation of R with S along J with respect to f denoted by R f J was introduced by M. D’Anna et al. (2010). Recently, R. El Khalfaoui et al. (2021) introduced a special kind of ( R f J ) -module called the amalgamation of M and N along J with respect to ϕ , and denoted by M ϕ J N . We study some homological properties of the ( R f J ) -module M ϕ J N . Among other results,...

Some remarks on the altitude inequality

Noômen Jarboui (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce and study a new class of ring extensions based on a new formula involving the heights of their primes. We compare them with the classical altitude inequality and altitude formula, and we give another characterization of locally Jaffard domains, and domains satisfying absolutely the altitude inequality (resp., the altitude formula). Then we study the extensions R ⊆ S where R satisfies the corresponding condition with respect to S (Definition 3.1). This leads to a new characterization...

Squarefree monomial ideals with maximal depth

Ahad Rahimi (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let ( R , 𝔪 ) be a Noetherian local ring and M a finitely generated R -module. We say M has maximal depth if there is an associated prime 𝔭 of M such that depth M = dim R / 𝔭 . In this paper we study squarefree monomial ideals which have maximal depth. Edge ideals of cycle graphs, transversal polymatroidal ideals and high powers of connected bipartite graphs with this property are classified.

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