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A geometric description of Hazama's exceptional classes

Federica Galluzzi (2000)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Sia X una varietà abeliana complessa di tipo Mumford. In queste note daremo una descrizione esplicita delle classi eccezionali in B 2 X × X trovate da Hazama in [Ha] e le descriveremo geometricamente usando la grassmaniana delle rette di P 7 .

A higher Albanese map for complex threefolds based on a construction by M. Green

Lorenz Schneider (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct a higher Abel-Jacobi map for 0-cycles on complex threefolds and prove that it can be used to describe Mumford's pull-back of a differential form, and that its image is infinite-dimensional in many cases. However, making a certain assumption, we show that it is not always injective.

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